319 collocations for dry

Go, reassume your Beauty, dry your Eyes; Remember 'tis a Father does advise.

"Dry your tears, little JACK, go to the well-stocked pantry, my boy, and get something to eat.

Here also are still to be seen the rock on which he dried his clothes, and the place where he converted the wicked dragon.

[Variant 12: 1815. ... on that woful day A cruel, cruel fire, they say, Into her bones was sent: It dried her body like a cinder, And almost turn'd her brain to tinder.

At last, Skinny, handing a towel to Bert after drying his own sun-tanned face and hands, remarked inanely: "Chuck ain't come, has he?" "Slupper!"

Tradesmen's wines, and dried meats from the market, he would not touch.

Once or twice a smile crossed her face, and once she laughed as she thought of the comical picture which the young man had made as he struggled to dry land with the wet lamb in his arms; and the smile and her laugh made her face seem strangely girlish, because it was usually so calm, so gravely self-reliant.

Meek little Dandelion Groweth more fair, Till dries the amber dew Out from her hair.

"You go right out in the sun and dry your hair, Betty," said Mrs. Watterby, when the meal was over.

It was many miles distant, and yet I do not doubt that its electrical influence had dried the moisture of our equanimity, leaving us rattling husks for the winds of destiny to play upon.

"There, now" "I think that your impudence" "Is very reasonable," said Ralph, filling up the sentence; "but suppose you dry your feet, and yourself generally, as Miss Redbud is doing.

Time.1/4 day to dry the fruit.

"Oh, call me not, oh, call me not, thou voice of other years, The fire that flames within my heart has dried the spring of tears.

She rose quietly and washed out her floorcloth, and stood drying her hands on the roller towel which hung on the kitchen door.

Mrs. Lennox let me dry the dishes for her after the noon meal, then sent me to visit the neighbor in the next house, while she should stow her things in the wagon and get ready for the journey.

I Have dried the fountain of a gentle race.

Stone and cut up the raisins, but do not chop them; wash and dry the currants, and cut the candied peel into thin slices.

It waits for about 10 minutes to dry its wings in the sun and then flutters away.

"We want to dry our things, if we may.

And we lookt about for a fire-hole, that I should dry my lower garments; and truly, we had not past many in a great while; but we to be in fortune, that we came soon upon a little fire-hill that did be no more than so high as a man, and to have the rock all hot about; so that this did be a good place to our purpose.

If cold roast beef is used, remove all pieces of gristle and dry outside pieces, as these do not pound well.

A fresh tide of Crusaders Drove by the place of my retreat: three nights Did constant meditation dry my blood; Three sleepless nights I passed in sounding on, Through words and things, a dim and perilous way;

The softened chief with kind compassion viewed, And dried the falling drops, and thus pursued: 'Andromache!

The river and the trolley run side by side the whole charming way, and, as you near Elmira, you come upon latticed barns that waft you the fragrance of drying tobacco-leaves, suspended longitudinally for the wind to play through.

Mode.Wash, and dry the fish thoroughly in a cloth, and arrange them nicely in a flat baking-dish.

319 collocations for  dry