10 collocations for elongating

The musing, pensive Hindoos, who have elongated eyes, look through the surface of things to their essence, and call the world Illusion,the illusory energy of Vishnu.

The subject has given rise to much disputation and conjecture on the part of naturalists, but opinion mostly favours the supposition that these gigantic serpent-like appearances are caused by enormous cuttlefish swimming on the surface of the water, with their 20 ft. long tentacles elongated fore and aft.

The species is distinguished from R. centifolia by its larger prickles, elongated fruit, and long, reflexed sepals.

[Illustration: NOS. 65 and 66] It is plain to be seen that the unattractive specimen of femininity, No. 65., with the long, wrinkled neck and sharply lined face is unbecomingly costumed in the V-shaped basque and corsage which apparently elongate her natural lankness.

The drooping sleeves elongate her shoulder-lines, and bring into clearer relief her meagre proportions.

Cells elongated ovoid; avicularia large and projecting, without any superior appendage; vittae narrow, rather anterior.

One log after another was hauled down till half a dozen rested there, elongated peas in a wooden pod.

Cells elongated rhomboidal, truncated at each end.

With a yell of fear, the sleeper struck the animal with his huge hand, sending the long tailed frolicsome creature heels over head directly upon the clergyman's manuscript, and the alarmed preacher, in turn, with a smothered imprecation and a sweeping blow, hurled the sprawling legs and elongated tail down upon some frightened children who screamed and tumbled over each other upon the floor in a struggling heap.

It is then passed between two pairs of rollers; the second pair moving faster than the first elongate the thread with greater equality than can be done by the hand; and is then twisted on spoles or bobbins.

10 collocations for  elongating