13 collocations for evaluate

WETZEL, NORMAN C. Instruction manual in the use of the grid for evaluating physical fitness.

Vol.3: Evaluating the work of the school.

But it is not so much the purpose of this paper to evaluate Loeben's creations as to locate him in the development of the Lorelei-legend, and to prove, or disprove, Heine's indebtedness to him in the case of his own poem of like name.

A prestigious independent auditor was engaged to evaluate the deposit.

In their slow advance every inch of misery was thrust before her for inspection; meticulously she observed and evaluated her handiwork.

In the first place, as has been shown in Chapter V., by bringing thought face to face with the whole experience upon which it claims to work, we are enabled to find a tangible rule for evaluating its assertions and distinguishing truth from error.

That not only evaluates life; it derives the value from the very fact that forces man to create valuethe fact of his swift and instant doomhôkymorôtatos once more; it makes this dreadful fact enjoyable.

It is difficult to evaluate Wang Mang, because all we know about him stems from sources hostile towards him.

Unlike the 1960s, when people questioned their authorities in the hope of replacing them (revolution), today's activists are forcing us to re-evaluate the premise underlying top-down authority as an organising principle (renaissance).

No sufficient criterion is provided by them for evaluating the various stages in the course of an evolutionary process.

Those who are invited to re-evaluate our social and political structures in such a way will stand the best chance of gaining the perspective necessary to see the emergent properties of such systems, as well as avenues for active participation in them.

If I am told to evaluate Marathi and Konkani journalism in Goa, I would surely rank the Marathi media ahead of its Konkani counterparts.

[estimate value] appraise, evaluate, assess.

13 collocations for  evaluate