6 collocations for exampled

and so understood, the Sacred Volume will be found to hold out to our slaves, both by precept and example the most persuasive and the most compelling motives to industry, obedience, and submission.

Yet a truth is equally solemn whatever figure or example its exponent adopts.

"If Christian Scientists find in my writings, teachings, and example a greater degree of this spirit than in others, they can justly declare it.

These are two very amusing volumes of scenes and situations full of stirring interest, as their criticships would sayfor example the four extracts immediately following: Palankeen Travelling and a Sortie of Tigers.

Take but example thyself from the moon: as soon as she is delivered of her great belly, doth she not point at the world with a pair of horns, as who would say: Married men, ye are cuckolds.

Take but example thyself from the moon: as soon as she is delivered of her great belly, doth she not point at the world with a pair of horns, as who would say: Married men, ye are cuckolds.

6 collocations for  exampled