547 collocations for excepted

Each house shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and, from time to time, publish the same, excepting such parts as may, in their judgment, require secrecy; and the yeas and nays of the members of either house, shall at the desire of one-fifth of those present, be entered on the journal.

Your father is in town, as you supposed; and I have just had a note from him, which has, I confess, not a little agitated me, referring, as it does, to a subject of painful and horrible interest; one with which, I suppose, you are familiar, but upon which I myself have never yet spoken fully to any person, excepting your father only.

Noours must be a bloodless strife, excepting our blood be shedfor we aim, as did Christ our leader, not to destroy men's lives, but to save themto overcome evil with goodto conquer through suffering for righteousness' saketo set the captive free by the potency of truth!

Whether as "Uncle Pete" in the garden and corn-field, or "Brudder Pete" in the church, he enjoyed the good opinion of everybody excepting one person, and that was his wife.

for such it wasa miniature drawing-room filled with European luxuries, not excepting books and copies of music.

The great art of Congreve is especially shown in this, that he has entirely excluded from his scenes,some little generosities in the part of Angelica perhaps excepted,not only any thing like a faultless character, but any pretensions to goodness or good feelings whatsoever.

Then they all sat down, excepting the old mother, who busied herself in waiting on them.

In its worst forms, we are told, slavery prevailed over the whole world, not excepting Judea.

I spent sometimes, with many eminent spectators, a quiet hour or two at Tom Spring's in Holborn, and met many of the best men there in all ranks and professions, always excepting the Church.

What divine, excepting the godly men whose theologic skill has attained to the doctrine that Slavery is of the essence of the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

The 19th will be famous for the revolt of a whole Province or Kingdom, excepting one city: by which the affairs of a certain Prince in the Alliance will take a better face.

"All the larger cities of Morocco are situate upon the coast, excepting three capitals of the interiorFez, Miknas, and Morocco, to which El-Kesar-Kebir may be added.

" Mr. Philemon Bliss, of Ohio, in his letters from Florida, in 1835, says, "The negroes commence labor by daylight in the morning, and excepting the plowboys, who must feed and rest their horses, do not leave the field till dark in the evening.

For the fifth article, which provides for amendments, expressly excepts this clause.

Why so many rewards and so much violence should be necessary to allure or force the sailors into the publick service, I am unable to comprehend: for, excepting the sudden change of climates, which may, doubtless, sometimes bring on distempers, the service of the king has no disadvantages which are not common to that of the merchants.

The faithful valet, who has followed the fortunes of his master, does not so much share his distresses as contribute to his pleasure by adorning his person, or, rather, his head, for, excepting the article of hair-dressing, the beaux here are not elaborate.

After this general view, mark how sharply the dark snowless ribs and buttresses and summits of the peaks are defined, excepting the portions veiled by the banners, and how delicately their sides are streaked with snow, where it has come to rest in narrow flutings and gorges.

The branches swoop outward and downward in bold curves, excepting the younger ones near the top, which aspire, while the lowest droop to the ground, and all spread out in flat, ferny plumes, beautifully fronded, and imbricated upon one another.

He thrust into his pocket everything excepting five twenty-dollar gold pieces.

The iron hoops were taken off a meat cask, and by a blacksmith in the company fitted round his ankles, knees, and arms, pinioning the latter to his body, so that, excepting his head, which was 'left free to enjoy the prospect,' he could not move a muscle.

The station was commanded by Brigadier Graves; and there were no Europeans under his orders excepting the officers and sergeants attached to the three native corps.

He dropped into it, threw his head back and allowed his eyes to rove over everything in the room, excepting that flushed, half-averted face so near to him.

There were no men about the premises, and no one excepting a very fine and intellectual looking lady and her two daughters.

'Tis enough for those, who make one Poem the business of their lives, to leave that correct; yet, excepting VIRGIL, I never met with any which was so, in any language.

It was rebuilt in 1860, excepting the fourteenth century tower, with its quaint gargoyles, and the Norman south porch.

547 collocations for  excepted