18 collocations for fawned

There rise rows upon rows of jewelled cimeters, and vases and salvers of gold, and old saddles studded with diamonds and with stirrups of goldpresents of frightened Asiatic satraps or fawning European allies.

You are a sort of fawning sycophants, That, while the sunshine of my greatness 'dur'd, Revelled out all my day for your delights; And now ye see the black night of my woe O'ershade the beauty of my smiling good, You to my grief add grief; and are agreed With that false Prior to reprieve my joys From execution of all happiness.

Instead thereof he kist her wearie feet, And lickt her lilly hands with fawning tong; As he her wrongéd innocence did weet.

3 As a vulture rapacious, in falsehood a fox, Inconstant as waves, and unfeeling as rocks; As a tiger ferocious, perverse as a hog, In mischief an ape, and in fawning a dog.

It's not enough to please your boss Or fawn round folks with bankrolls; Be just as friendly to the guys Whose homespun round their shank rolls.

"I laughe not at another's losse, I grudge not at another's payne; No worldly wants my mynde can toss, My state at one dothe still remayne: I feare no foe, I fawn no friende, I lothe not lyfe nor dreade my ende.

Toward the high and mighty they behave like fawning hounds, and toward the low and humble they are rude and arrogant.

Seeing who it was through his little grating, Simon quickly opens the door, and with fawning humility entreats her to step into his poor room, and there he stands, cringing and mopping his eyes, in dreadful apprehension, as having doubtless gathered from some about the house how matters stood betwixt Moll and Mr. Godwin.

Flattery is nothing but false friendship, fawning hypocrisy, dishonest civility, base merchandise of words, a plausible discord of the heart and lips.

These are the bones of men whom they have slain, after with fawning invitements they have enticed them into their fen.

And then came fawning on Napoleon all the kings of Europe,Austria, Prussia, Bavaria, Saxony, Poland, Italy,all flattering us and going along with us.

Fagin assumes a most suave and fawning manner, but is malicious, grasping, and full of cruelty.

THE GROUP OF THE DISAFFECTED [With fawning obsequiousness to the NIGHT-BIRDS.]

These abject, fawning parasites and knaves, Since they were such, would have all others slaves.

Had he waited till the day of his maturity, 'the monsters of life's waste' would have fled from him, as (28) the wolves, ravens, and vultures had fled from, and fawned upon, 'the Pythian of the age.'

And with greeting full of fawning Speaks to the Caspian Sea: "Hospitable part thy billows, Give me room, oh Ocean grave!

The flatteries of Seneca to Claudius are not more fulsome, and are infinitely less disgraceful, than those which fawning bishops exuded on his counterpart, King James.

Flattery is nothing but false friendship, fawning hypocrisy, dishonest civility, base merchandise of words, a plausible discord of the heart and lips.

18 collocations for  fawned