42 collocations for fer

" "Skim, am I a fool, er ain't I?" "'Tain't fer me ter say, ma.

The last autymobble folks as come this way got hot because I charged 'em market prices fer the truck they et.

If satisfied, they began to move slowly one way or the other and, meeting hunters presently, would ask: "Here fer yer bounties?" "Here fer my bounties," another would say.

Soon 's they stopped yellin' he says; 'Gentlemen,' he says, 'sorry t' tell ye thet the man fer the next bout hes got away.

En it won't be my fault ef he don' want me fer his boy all de time, w'en we come back home ag'in.

They was all ready fer their breakfastes.

I'll tu'n you ter yo'se'f ag'in, so you kin go home en git yo' night's res'.' "Den de cunjuh man gun Dan sump'n nice en sweet ter drink out'n a new go'd, en in 'bout a minute Dan foun' hisse'f tu'nt ter a gray wolf; en soon ez he felt all fo' er his noo feet on de groun', he sta'ted off fas' ez he could fer his own cabin, so he could be sho' en be dere time ernuff ter ketch de witch, en put a' een' ter her kyarin's-on.

I has my ideas these yar claims is no good, I has fer a fact, and they won't need no one here long, and then we'll lose ye, sonny, so you mus' shore hev that cayuse.

So she took up subscriptions fer the "Woman's Home Delight" And got one fer a premiuma blamed new-fangled thing, That takes a tin-type sudden, when she presses on a spring;

I'm fer a division, an gettin' out with our liveswhat say yer?" There was a chorus of approval sufficient in volume to satisfy me, and I accepted this as a decision.

A box o' Norther' Spy apples; a ha'f a dozen lemons; four-bits' worth o' walnuts or a'monds, whichever's freshest; a pint o' Puget Sound oysters fer the dressin', an' a bunch o' cel'ry.

Come on, mates; I'm fer the Englishman.

Now then fer the finish.

"I've seen Old Glory in many a foreign port, and felt like takin' off my hat and givin' three cheers fer the old flag; but I never seen her look better or finer than she does a-streakin' out from that there bit of timber.

But he takes 'em from the wave and he fits 'em fer the grave, And he thinks it's all included in his work.

Good deal better fer my health, an' I 'd 'a' luked more like a human bein' when I come out.

Young folks in dese parts done be'n usin' it fer a co't house 'fore I come; you knowa place to do dey courtin' in.

She could hab de noo house boy fer a husban'.

Now, Slayton, we'll agree to git you full legal control of these yere claims if you'll develop them at your expense, an' gin Davidson and me a third interest between us fer our influence.

I heerd you wuz a big man an' had libbed heah a long time, an' I 'lowed you would n't min' ef I 'd come roun' an' ax you ef you 'd ever heerd of a merlatter man by de name er Sam Taylor 'quirin' roun' in de chu'ches ermongs' de people fer his wife 'Liza Jane?" Mr. Ryder seemed to think for a moment.

"'Dat wuz de beatinis' notion fer a nigger,' sez Mars Jeems, 'puttin' on airs, des lack he wuz a w'ite man!

He explained to the enlightened people in his neighborhood that Squire Plausaby was a-goin' to do big things fer the kyounty; that the village of Metropolisville would erect a brick court-house and donate it; that Plausaby had already cawntracked to donate it to the kyounty free gratis.

Well, one day afte' we had been mar'ied' bout fo' years, she ast[FN: asked] me how come I was so late comin' to supper, an' I said I found some work to do fer a white lady, an' she said, that's a lie,' an' right den I raised my han' an' let her have it right by de side of de head, an' she niver called me a liar ag'in.

And if it wasn't fer the Devil's Lantern, I wouldn't be here.

Now don't you upset anything while I go fer the lard.

42 collocations for  fer