809 collocations for fetching

" A second, "She goes to fetch water.

As it was very dirty she began to rub it, that it might fetch a higher price.

that's a bad complaint," continues the good-natured Captain; "and the coach is in the yard to fetch the doctor, I suppose?" "I don't know," says the boy.

After a few moments, the Brahmin again cast his eye towards his own natal soil; on beholding which, he fetched a deep sigh, and, if I was not mistaken, I saw a rising tear.

Perhaps the queen's suitors (he said) out of their full feasts would bestow a scrap on him: for he could wait at table, if need were, and play the nimble serving-man, he could fetch wood (he said) or build a fire, prepare roast meat or boiled, mix the wine with water, or do any of those offices which recommended poor men like him to services in great men's houses.

"Well, lend me a couple of pounds, then, or else run back and fetch my pocket-book," he added, with a sly grin.

" "'Twas tu fetch down this 'ere London jintle-man as comed on here wi' him to-day, I tell 'ee.

My father was in no very affluent circumstances, and it was a sad necessity which he was put to, of having to go many miles to fetch any thing he wanted from the nearest village, which was full seven miles distant, through a sad miry way that at all times made it heavy walking, and after rain was almost impassable.

"You look hipped and rather slack, Tom," she said when he got up and Gavin fetched a chair.

"He's only a minute or two off, and if it wasn't for you screaming I'd go out and fetch 'im in.

If he had not been so religious a man, perhaps I should not have felt it so much; as it was, I could hardly fetch my breath.

C. fetched glass of water, leaving her alone in room.

Then again a real fine skin has fetched as much as thirty-six hundred dollars in London markets.

At that instant the negro man came into the room, fetching the bottle of rum and the bread and cheese he had been sent for.

Ay, marry, I did lend it to the false drab To fetch some money for that bankrupt knave, Her husband, that lies prisoner in the Fleet.

They two had fetched a compass about the town, and now in the twilight were parting before the nunnery gate.

And now his grandmother's furniture began to appear; and a great cart-load of it from her best bedroom was speedily arranged in Willie's late quarters, and as soon as they were ready for her, Mrs Macmichael set out in a post-chaise to fetch her mother.

" Then those who were in attendance upon Sir Nabon were terrified at his words and ran with all speed to do his bidding, and presently fetched his armor and clad him in it; and they fetched his horse into the courtyard of the castle and helped him to mount upon it.

What is't, my Chicken. Jul. I wou'd go make a Visit to my Aunt, my Sister Clara's there, and I'll go fetch her home.

"JACK and GILL went up the bill To fetch a pail of water; JACK fell down and broke his crown, And GILL came tumbling after.

what a slap Mrs. Tucker fetched that unlucky child, with a long brown towel that hung at hand!

Then she fetched a piece of chalk, and marked two or three doors on each side in the same manner, saying nothing to her master or mistress.

" CHAPTER X Philip fetched his hat, and the two men stepped out on to the pavement.

But, as God would have it, while Apollyon was fetching his last blow, thereby to make a full end of this good man, Christian nimbly reached out his hand for his sword, and caught it, saying, Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy; when I fall I shall arise; and with that gave him a deadly thrust, which made him give back, as one that had received his mortal wound.

BOOK VII DECADE OF SANG HOO ~The Rejoicings of a Bridegroom~ With axle creaking, all on fire I went, To fetch my young and lovely bride.

809 collocations for  fetching