73 collocations for finde

Mad let vs grant him then: and now remaines That we finde out the cause of this effect, Or rather say, the cause of this defect; For this effect defectiue, comes by cause, Thus it remaines, and the remainder thus.

I told ye you should finde a man of her, Or else my rule did very strangely erre. Asca.

That done, he lets me goe, And with his head ouer his shoulders turn'd, [Sidenote: shoulder] He seem'd to finde his way without his eyes, For out adores he went without their helpe; [Sidenote: helps,] And to the last, bended their light on me.

Gentlemen, ye are welcom, though my husband be a little talkative, yet truly he is an unreasonable honest man, yee shall finde his words and his sayings all one.

The 27. of Ianuarie we set sayle to finde a conuenient place to refresh vs with water and other prouision, for wee were informed by a man of Bengala, that of his owne will sayled with vs, and that had beene in Bally, that there wee should finde water and other thinges to serue our necessities, so that by night wee ankered vnder a high pointe of lande on the South West ende of Bally.

To whom may I more trustely complaine 55 The evill plight that doth me sore constraine, And hope thereof to finde due remedie?

Go both, cold comfort shall you finde: My manly shape hath yet a womans minde, Prone to reveale what secret she doth know.

Here at Patanaw they finde gold in this maner.

'Tis ioy above my ioy: oh, had you scene What these eyes saw, you would not then Disswade me from it; nor will I leave that power By whom I finde such infinite contentments.

410 Or where shall I finde lamentable cryes, And mournfull tunes enough my griefe to show? Helpe, O thou Tragick Muse, me to devise Notes sad enough, t'expresse this bitter throw: For loe, the drerie stownd* is now arrived, 415 That of all happines hath us deprived.

As Wilson sagely remarks, "For except men finde delite, they will not long abide: delite them and winne them."

Hereupon we bad him generally farewell, beseeching God to keepe and preserue him from misfortunes, and hoping that at some one time or other he should finde deliuerance; for that all shippes sailing to the West Indies must there of necessity refresh themselues.

And thus doe we of wisedome and of reach With windlesses, and with assaies of Bias, By indirections finde directions out: So by my former Lecture and aduice Shall you my Sonne; you haue me, haue you not? Reynol.

The eighth, ninth, and tenth centuries are, in fact, the great period all over Europe for the incursions of the Northmenhigh noon, so to speak, for those fierce and roving sons of plunder,"People," says an old historian quaintly, "desperate in attempting the conquest of other Realmes, being very sure to finde warmer dwellings anywhere than in their own homes.

And in that vision to reueale the way, How he may finde the faire Eurymine.

L. 'Tis for your health; The want of exercise takes from your beauties, And sloath dries up your sweetness: That you are My onely Daughter and my heir, is granted; And you in thankfulness must needs acknowledge, You ever finde me an indulgent Father, And open-handed.

I know that there may be some that will say and marvell that a minister should have taken pains to gather such proverbs together; but they that knew his forme of powerfull preaching the word, and his ordinar talking, ever almost using proverbiall speeches, will not finde fault with this that he hath done.

If this be true, thou maist escape with life: Confesse the truth unto the officers, And thou shalt finde the favour of the lawe.

Yet beat my timerous thoughts on such a thing; I feele a pasionate hearte but finde no flame, Thinke what I know not, nor know what I thinke.

Ho, Zaccharee, if de grand patient come, you finde me signior Flores.

Then will I search each place and roome From London to Virginny, From Dover-peere to Scanderoone, But I will finde my Ginny.

But snakes finde harbour mongst the fairest flowers, Then never credit outward semblaunces.

quod he; 'Thou lokest as thou woldest finde an hare, For ever upon the ground I see thee stare.

Your Maiestie shal finde This French heat quickly of it selfe grow cold.

But I will finde theire start-holes.

73 collocations for  finde