7 collocations for folks

"Are you folks peddlin' candy?" asked the boy, and his eyes shone.

How long shall folk this infamy endure That he should be held sacred, he divine, Who strips e'en corpses in the graveyard bare? XXXVII.

Co'se I knows dere's w'ite folks an' black folks,but dere's manners, suh, dere's manners, an' gent'emen oughter be de ones ter use 'em, suh, ef dey ain't ter

If a nigger gits a' office, er de race 'pears ter be prosperin' too much, de w'ite folks up an' kills a few, so dat de res' kin keep on fergivin' an' bein' thankful dat dey're lef alive.

We folks dat's frum de kuntry may be behin' de sun We don't like city eatin's, wid beefsteaks dat ain' done 'Dough mutton chops is splendid, an' dem veal cutlits fine, To me 'tain't like a sphar-rib, or gret big chunk ub chine.

wuz 'gin de law fer w'ite folks an' colored folks ter marry.

All de white folks an' de Niggers for miles a-round come to see us git married.

7 collocations for  folks