10 collocations for foreknew

4 But what assurance can I take, When thou, foreknowing this abuse, For some more worthy lover's sake, Mayst leave me with so just excuse?

Again, we take no pleasure in foreknowing the fate of wholly uninteresting people; which is as much as to say that character is indispensable to enduring interest in drama.

I may add, my lords, that your wisdom will easily find the difference between the degree of capacity requisite for recollecting the past, and foreknowing the future; and expect that those whose ambition incites them to endeavour after a share in the government of their country, should give better proofs of their qualifications for that high trust, than mere specimens of their memory, their rhetorick, or their malice.

This is given as a satisfactory account of the original of moral evil, which amounts only to this, that God created beings, whose guilt he foreknew, in order that he might have proper objects of pain, because the pain of part is, no man knows how or why, necessary to the felicity of the whole.

He foreknows the mutations of states, the events of war, the temper of the seasons; either his old prophecy tells it him, or his stars.

I can comprehend that they could do what they did; but how an Englishman of the seventeenth century could foreknow psychosis, a science of recent growth, will be to me, in spite of my study of Hamlet, an everlasting mystery.

His assertion of the impossibility of estimating the real value of a ship, or of foreknowing the success of a voyage, is incontestable: but perhaps it will follow from thence, not that an imaginary value ought to be admitted, but that no insurance ought to be allowed, where there is no rational method of ascertaining it; or, at least, that all such insurance ought to be rather below the probable value than above it.

I have foreknown Clearly all things that should be; nothing done Comes sudden to my souland I must bear What is ordained with patience, being aware Necessity doth front

Who foreknow the trials That for man are planned; Seeing him unarmed, Unfearing, un-alarmed, With their tears have warmed His unconscious hand.

Assisted from behind by Ham, who foreknew his master's every whim, he proceeded to render with infinite feeling an air from the Lakmé of Delibes; long he sat, dreamily uttering the melody, his head sunken on his breast.

10 collocations for  foreknew