23 collocations for fotch

Den de sarpint he go fotch her a yaller apple, an' she took one bite, an' den says she: 'Go 'long wid ye, you fool sarpint, wot you fotch me dat June apple wot ain't got no taste to it?'

So she fotch out er bottle wid some cunjuh medicine in it, en po'd some out in a go'd fer Henry ter drink.

"I'll fotch de ox cart, an' carry you ober.

"Now then," he whispered eagerly, "fotch a spoon, Miss Hep. Coom, owd bird, this'll fettle thee up, an' no mistake.

I gets so stupid after a while, dat massa threatens to sell me way down whar dey works de niggars up; and I gets so, I don't care how much dey whips me, or anyting else, for I tinks I neber be mysef again, when one day massa takes me wid him down to de boats, to fotch de cotton, and I hears de captain ask, what ail dat fellow to look so blue, and massa tells him, I got a notion dat

"I'll fotch de hoss an' de spring waggin an' dribe you ober dar.

"'Well,' sez Mars Dunkin, sezee, 'I fotch dis nigger ober ter Mistah McLean fer ter pay a bet I made wid 'im las' week w'en we wuz

His marster a'vertise' him in de papers, en offered a big reward fer 'im. De nigger-ketchers fotch out dey dogs, en track' 'im down ter de aidge er de swamp, en den de scent gun out; en dat was de las' anybody seed er Primus fer a long, long time.

You wouldn't fotch fifty dollars, an' I'm wuth a thousand!"

"I'll fotch de hoss an' de spring waggin an' dribe you ober dar.

En bein' ez he fotch her de ham, she fix' it

"I'll fotch de hoss an' de spring waggin an' dribe you ober dar.

"We'll fotch your letters to you.

They fotch my mother and they went back after grandfather and grandmother too.

He fotch de noo nigger home wid 'im.

Ef she hadn't fotch nuffin' 'long wid her

"'All,' sezee, ''cep'n' de noo nigger Mistah Dunkin fotch ober

Reckin I'll have ter wait till after fros', an' fotch her a real good one,' An' he done wait till after fros', and then he fotch her a' Albemarle pippin, an' when she took one bite ob dat, she jus' go 'long an' eat it all up, core, seeds, an' all.

She told many stories of wonderful cures she had performed by prayer; and she would kneel by the bedside, hour after hour, holding the invalid's hand, praying, "O Lord, fotch back de sperit!

"Now then," he whispered eagerly, "fotch a spoon, Miss Hep. Coom, owd bird, this'll fettle thee up, an' no mistake.

Reckin I'll have ter wait till after fros', an' fotch her a real good one,' An' he done wait till after fros', and then he fotch her a' Albemarle pippin, an' when she took one bite ob dat, she jus' go 'long an' eat it all up, core, seeds, an' all.

See here, I'll carry him awhoam for ye, and ye mun jest fotch him a glass o' whisky, and in a two three minutes he'll be as merry as a layrock.

We'll gib you all our money, We'll fotch you yams and honey, We'll fill your pipe wid 'baccer, An' twiss your tail wid hay!

23 collocations for  fotch