7 collocations for frum

" "Now ef you wanted to keep in wid Marster Carr don' drap you shoes in de field an' leave 'emhe'd beat you; you mus' tote you' shoes frum one field to de tother, didn' a dog ud be bettern you.

"Got a special order frum the Cap'm fur 'um.

When did you serve aboard here?" "Three years back, sah, frum Habana to der African coast; Ah didn't want no more dat sorter sailorin'.

"Ain't you frum the guv-ment?" he asked.

"'Nother time one nigger run 'way frum our plantation an' hid by day an' traveled by night so de nigger dogs wouldn't git him an' he hid in a hollow tree.

Last I seem ter remember I wus ashore frum the schooner Caroline; but this yere is a bark.

Once' m' pappy run away an' Marse Jim got de blood houn's afte' him, an' catched him up 'fo he could git fur, an' dat day he lay him 'cross de barrel, an' whupped him frum sun up til sun down.

7 collocations for  frum