65 collocations for fulfill

Russia paid no attention to the ultimatum, but M. Goremykin, president of the Council of the Russian Empire, issued a manifesto which read: "Russia is determined not to allow Servia to be crushed and will fulfill its duty in regard to that small kingdom, which has already suffered so much at Austria's hands.

Vaguely he realized that in some way, somehow, he must fulfill his promise to the girl and bring Jack Landis home.

How do they fulfill their obligation, those who look after education in the towns?

On the contrary, it is our duty to encourage them to the extent of our constitutional authority to apply their best means and cheerfully to make all necessary sacrifices and submit to all necessary burdens to fulfill their engagements and maintain their credit, for the character and credit of the several States form a part of the character and credit of the whole country.

The fact that this question is still pending, although more than half a century has elapsed since the conclusion of the treaty in which it originated, renders it in the highest degree improbable that the two Governments can unite in believing that either the one or the other of the ranges of highlands claimed by the respective parties fulfills the required conditions of that instrument.

A bill so conceived would not fulfill the purpose of its creation.

But the interpreter was at that moment engaged in clasping to his bosom a struggling rooster and was totally unable to fulfill his functions.

During the 1750's sentimental poetry did not fulfill the expectations which the outburst of 1744 had seemed to promise.

A copy of this transcript I shall subjoin hereto, with assurances that it is substantially correct, and with the hope that it will give a view of the subject sufficiently precise to fulfill the wishes of the Senate.

For the general surface, the use of hot water once a week fulfills the demands of cleanliness, unless in special occupations.

In a word, love is the nourishment of the heart as food is of the body; to love is to fulfill the desire of nature, to satisfy a need.

Our SAVIOUR has told us, that he did not come to destroy the law, but to fulfill; to fulfill the typical law, by the performance of what those types had foreshewn; and the moral law, by precepts of greater purity and higher exaltation.'

Every such person is bound to fulfill every legal contract that he makes.

If its dangers serve not as beacons, they will evidently fail to fulfill the object of a wise design.

It is to save the spiritual heritage of humanity that we are fighting, and it is that heritage that education must bring to every child and youth, if it fulfills its supreme trust.

I was born to be a martyr, and I expect I shall fulfill my destiny.

He is not an imâm returning after centuries of disappearance, but a descendant of Mohammed, coming into the world in the ordinary way to fulfill the ideal of the Khalifate.

In order to salvation, then, we need only to know God as creator and judge, and to fulfill his commands, i.e.. to live a moral life.

The delay of the Spanish officers to fulfill the treaty existing with His Catholic Majesty is a source of deep regret.

[Footnote 44: To fulfill treaty stipulations with the Wyandotte Indians.] WASHINGTON, February 24, 1855.

It was indeed only by accident that the animal failed to fulfill the technical requirement for perfect solution of the problem in this series.

Then I have thought that maybe you could well fulfill this important mission.

The mothers of this land, having breathed the air of freedom and received the benefits of education, have come to see the necessity of better conditions to fulfill their divinely appointed and universally recognized office.

If I did not fulfill his too high prophecy that "in addition to your artistic eminence, I feel that you will achieve a solid social position, make yourself a great woman, and take a noble place in the history of your time," I was the better for his having made it.

Yes, but if not one boy and girl in ten graduates from the high school, surely we want one man and woman in ten to fulfill some measure of moral leadership, and the high school is directly concerned with the task of furnishing such leadership for American democracy.

65 collocations for  fulfill