123 collocations for furthered

"You will be furthering her interests, as well as doing me a great personal favor, if you will tell me what you know.

" All this was Greek to Messrs. Dodge and Bragg, who, in furthering their objects, were so accustomed to "stirring people up," that they had quite forgotten that the more a man was in "an excitement," the less he had to do with reason.

I can conceive of no nobler life than one devoted to furthering the cause of science.

This so-called labor union intended to take advantage of a crisis to further its own ends.

He wanted to further his friend's plan to found a home for himself and his sister as soon as possible.

Their Uncle hears of this with much indignation, and at the same time receiving a letter from Diana begging for a divorce, he announces his intention to further her purpose, and to abandon wholly Charles and Phillis, his sister, in consequence of their elder brother's conduct.

But he had set his mind on obtaining her, because she was, in every way, superior to the rest of her young companions; and because such a union would aggrandize him in the estimation of the tribe, and tend to further his views of becoming their chief.

It was hard for her to watch a growing romance and not help it along as she had done of yore; and many a time did her lips withhold the words that trembled upon themwords which would have furthered the fortunes of a worthy suitor to a waiting handbut she had resolved, and there was the end of it.

What can I do to further the Royal Progress of the Church of God?

True to the policy of avoiding all unnecessary harm to the natives, these British aviators never dropped bombs on the town, butwhat was more dangerous from the Turkish point of viewthey would unload packages of pamphlets, printed in Arabic, informing the natives that they were being deceived; that the Allies were their only true friends; that the Germans were merely making use of them to further their own schemes, etc.

In whatever he did, provided that it furthered the welfare of his subjects, whether Turk, Armenian, or Arab, the whole Concert of Europe would have provided him with cash, with missionaries, with engineers, and all the resources of the arts and sciences of peace and of progress.

There is no good Dictionary, not even a good Index, that is not in this sense priceless, for it has honestly furthered the work of the world, saving labour to others, setting an example to successors.

I was not a neutral; my first papers of American citizenship were valueless to further my escape.

Napoleon on his side was practically obliged to demand Savoy and Nice as a barrier against Italy, and because the acquisition of territory alone could have prevented his subjects from feeling that they had lost their lives and money only to further the aims of Victor Emmanuel.

The railways of Sweden have incessantly spun a more and more extended network of steel over the country, opening connections for enterprises in new districts, and furthering commerce and industrial art in a wide measure.

This universally beloved gentleman put everybody under contribution in order to enrich my collections, and did all in his power to render my stay agreeable and to further my designs.

Besides holding that virtue furthers the happiness of society, Shaftesbury makes a second mistake in assuming that human nature includes unselfish inclinations.

Our general scheme of education furthers mental development with considerable success.

" "But he looked to his rich uncle the abbot to further a certain marriage project of his.

There were times when Hebblethwaite had made use of his younger friend to further his own undoubted social ambitions.

Wisely to further this necessary organic process is a blessing to all parties; violent haste will only curb it and cause reactions.

Similarly, it is right to restrict immigration that would further economic prosperity, at the expense of the manhood of the nation.

In this great city certainly there are thousands far more qualified than I to further your professional and financial advancement.

But we hardly expected her to further his career as Anne had done, and yet, oddly enough, that was exactly what she did.

A short distance away is another great building, or series of structures, erected during the Great War, to further our claim to the empire of the air.

123 collocations for  furthered