31 collocations for gainst

But who can do as the merchant does, who, with his resources, Knows the methods as well by which the best is arrived at? Look at that house over yonder,the new one; behold with what splendor 'Gainst the background of green stand out the white spirals of stucco!

O storms that 'gainst her window beat!

Sir Charles Williams is appointed envoy to this last King: here is an epigram which he has just sent over on Lord Egmont's opposition to the Mutiny Bill: Why has Lord Egmont 'gainst this bill So much declamatory skill So tediously exerted?

So much untruth wit never shadowed: 'Gainst her own bowels thou art's weapons turn'st.

For the sudden palpitation Of my heart that beats and throbbeth 'Gainst my breast, doth prove how true Are the suspicions that it fostered.

And I Alenso that did succour him Gainst your commaundement, mightie Soveraigne.

Culloden's heath: There the broken clans are scattered, Gaunt as wolves, and famine-eyed, Hunger gnawing at their vitals, Hope abandoned, all but pride Pride, and that supreme devotion Which the Southron never knew, And the hatred, deeply rankling, 'Gainst the Hanoverian crew.

[Footnote 12: "Dissolved pearls, Apicius' diet 'gainst the epilepsy."BEN

I will send a holy image 'Gainst the foe with thee, To it kneeling, dearest Being, Pray with piety!

Have these Minturnians, then, so cruelly Presum'd so great injustice 'gainst their friends? JAILER.

But those that 'gainst stiff gales laveering go, Must be at once resolved and skilful too.

No; it is the column's glimmer, 'Gainst the gloomy hedge of pine.

What idle progeny succeed To chase the rolling circle's speed, Or urge the flying ball? 4 While some, on earnest business bent, Their murmuring labours ply, 'Gainst graver hours, that bring constraint, To sweeten liberty: Some bold adventurers disdain The limits of their little reign, And unknown regions dare descry; Still as they run they look behind.

Have these Minturnians, then, so cruelly Presum'd so great injustice 'gainst their friends? JAILER.

"Sweet son," she sighed, "methinks death is very near each one of us to-nightbut I have held thee to my heart, have felt thy kisses and heard thy loving wordsnow if death come how shall it avail 'gainst such love as ours?

My senses 'Gainst their lures I must keep guarded: They are crocodiles, but feigning Human speech, so but to drag me To my ruin, my destruction. NISIDA.

What matters it, though witlings rail, Though one his suit 'gainst witchcraft press, If his sole tingle none the less, If his sure footing also fail?

Ah, the gods of wood and stone Can a single saint dethrone, But the people who shall aid 'Gainst the puppets they have made? First they teach and then obey: 'Tis the Burden of the Day.

Here, then, to return, is the reason why the hearts of the present generation have been influenced so mightily by these men, rather than by those of whom Byron wrote, with perfect sincerity: Scott, Rogers, Campbell, Moore, and Crabbe will try 'Gainst you the question with posterity.

This simile shall stand, in thy defence, 'Gainst such dull rogues as now and then write sense.

'Gainst the rules for me to talk," he added with a good-natured grin, then to the crowd: "G'wan, now.

How stoutly once I could inveigh, If a poor maiden went astray; Not words enough my tongue could find, 'Gainst others' sin to speak my mind!

But who can do as the merchant does, who, with his resources, Knows the methods as well by which the best is arrived at? Look at that house over yonder,the new one; behold with what splendor 'Gainst the background of green stand out the white spirals of stucco!

"That won a suit of triple mail at Dunismere joust, and wagered it 'gainst Black Ivo's roan stallion within Deepwold forest upon a time.

In youth by science nursed, And led by nature into a wild scene Of lofty hopes, he to the world went forth 15 A favoured Being, knowing no desire Which genius did not hallow; 'gainst the taint Of dissolute tongues, and jealousy, and hate, And scorn,against all enemies prepared, All but neglect.

31 collocations for  gainst