6 collocations for gargling

But the committing of such high and brave sensed poems to a schoolboy (whose main business is to search out cunningly the Antecedent and the Relative; to lie at catch for a spruce Phrase, a Proverb, or a quaint and pithy Sentence) is not only to very little purpose, but that having gargled only those elegant books at school, this serves them instead of reading them afterwards; and does, in a manner, prevent their being further looked into.

"You look as if you'd been gargling a bottle of ink," I told him. "Don't talk, you can't do two things at once.

and sure enough there it was, that gargling crescendo of a whistle followed by a mighty crash, considerably nearer.

He heaved a sigh, then he gargled a laugh that sounded like boilin' mush.

The French and other continentals have a habit of gargling the mouth; but it is a custom which no English gentlewoman should, in the slightest degree, imitate.

Let those which only warble long, And gargle in their throats a song, Content themselves with Ut, Re, Mi: Let words, and sense, be set by thee. 'Lawes': an eminent musical composer, who composed the music for Milton's Comus. 'Noy': Attorney-General to Charles I., had died in 1635.

6 collocations for  gargling