79 collocations for giue

Eu. I pray, sir, hartily giue me leaue to goe.

These also vse to sende before foure or fiue men carying pieces of dry wood which giue light, because they should not goe out of the way, and if at any time through their ill hap they wander astray out of the way, they are caste downe and beaten with so many bastonadoes vpon the soles of their feete, as serue them for a perpetuall remembrance.

Being come within sight of Ierusalem, the maner is to kneele downe, and giue God thankes, that it hath pleased him to bring vs to that holy place, where he himselfe had beene: and there we leaue our horses and go on foote to the towne, and being come to the gates, there they tooke our names, and our fathers names, and so we were permitted to go to our lodgings.

"The testors, as concerned are ready to giue oath to the above written testimony if called thereunto.

you Voltemand, For bearing of this greeting to old Norway, [Sidenote: bearers] Giuing to you no further personall power To businesse with the King, more then the scope Of these dilated Articles allow: [Sidenote: delated] Farewell and let your hast commend your duty.

Barons, carying wreathes and litle crownes vpon their heads, and giuing attendance vpon their lord, and euery one of them weareth a garment of gold and precious stones, which is woorth ten thousand Florens.

Proclaime no shame, When the compulsiue Ardure giues the charge, Since Frost it selfe, as actiuely doth burne, As Reason panders Will.

And the sayd customer by vertue hereof shall vpon due and sufficient proofe thereof made in the custome house giue them sufficient cocket or certificate for the safe passing out thereof accordingly.

Oh 'tis true: [Sidenote: tis too true] How smart a lash that speech doth giue my Conscience?

But if not, Be you content to lend your patience to vs, And we shall ioyntly labour with your soule To giue it due content.

Which done, they goe round about the cowe and calfe, and then they giue somewhat to the poore which be alwayes there, and to the Bramane or priest they giue the cowe and calfe, and afterward goe to diuers of their idoles and offer money, and lie downe flat vpon the ground and kisse it diuers times, and then goe their way.

[Footnote: A most vnkind and wicked treason against their prince: this they haue for giuing credit to strangers, rather then to their owne natiue people.]

Whereon old Norwey, ouercome with ioy, Giues him three thousand Crownes in Annuall Fee, [Sidenote: threescore thousand]

"Present not yourselfe on the stage (especially at a new play) untill the quaking prologue hath (by rubbing) got cullor into his cheekes, and is ready to giue the trumpets their cue that hee's vpon point to enter.

As th'art a man, giue me the Cup.

O my deere Gertrude, this, Like to a murdering Peece in many places, Giues me superfluous death.

As he in his peculiar Sect and force [Sidenote: his particuler act and place] May giue his saying deed: which is no further, [Footnote 1: Not in Quarto.]

In these countreys when the people be sicke they make a vow to offer meat vnto the diuell, if they escape: and when they be recouered they make a banket with many pipes and drummes and other instruments, and dansing all the night, and their friends come and bring gifts, cocos, figges, arrecaes, and other fruits, and with great dauncing and reioycing they offer to the diuell, and say, they giue the diuel to eat, and driue him out.

Against whom the diuel exclaiming said: Oh doting old man, sith God in thine old age hath marueilously giuen thee this son (in whom all nations shalbe blessed) wherefore giuing credite vnto vaine dreames, wilt thou kill him whom so much thou hast desired, and so intirely loued.

'Tis sweet and commendable In your Nature Hamlet, To giue these mourning duties to your Father:

[Page 118] Giue him a further edge, and driue his purpose on [Sidenote: purpose into these] To these delights.

Oh thou vilde King, giue me my Father. Qu.

Nor Earth to giue me food, nor Heauen light, [Sidenote: Quee.]

And now good friends, As you are Friends, Schollers and Soldiers, Giue me one poore request.

And that shall lend a kinde of easinesse [Footnote A: Here in the Quarto: That monster custome, who all sence doth eate Of habits deuill, is angell yet in this That to the vse of actions faire and good, He likewise giues a frock or Liuery That aptly is put on]

79 collocations for  giue