13 collocations for glints

o' guns; Ez wheels the sentry, glints a flash o' light Along the firelock won at Concord Fight, An' 'twixt the silences, now fur, now nigh, Rings the sharp chellenge, hums the low reply.

Mrs. Trenton, in billows of black lace and glinting jet, presided with her usual graciousness.

The shining majesty of him that smites And slays you with a smile Upon his silvery lips, of glinting mockery.

Then Lenore saw a hand flash out of the side of the car ahead and throw a small, glinting object into the wheat.

So, in her gown of rosy muslin, bouffant and billowy, a pink flower in her hair, and Celia's pink-and-white cameo at her whiter throat Ailsa Paige descended the carpeted stairs and came into the mellow dimness of the front parlour, where there was much rosewood, and a French carpet, and glinting prisms on the chandeliers,and a young man, standing, dark against a bar of sunshine in which golden motes swam.

The road led along a fairly good track among rice-fields, whence the sloping sun glinted its maddening reflection, but here and there clumps of walnutsthe fruit just at the pickling stagecast a broad cool shadow, in which one lingered to pant and mop a heated brow e'er plunging out again into the grievous white sunlight.

In Alden's right hand glinted a service-revolver.

The ship at reduced speed dodged about, avoiding enormous bergs along her course, while far away on every hand glinted the shining high white sides of many more of the menacing ice mountains.

Rarely did she look that way but the fellows were drilling, their brass pieces and their officers' drawn sabres glinting back the sun, horses and men as furiously diligent as big and little ants, and sometimes, of an afternoon, their red and yellow silk and satin standard unfurledtheirs and hers.

For what seemed to Gloria a thousand miles there was the broken wilderness of mountains gashed with gorges, crowned with peaks, painted with sunlight and distance, glinting white here, veiled in purple there.

in the Plaza d'Armas, calmly facing a row of muskets, along whose shining barrels the sun glinted.

Cormorants lined the banks in lonely places in rows like short black palings; grey crows crowded the shingle-beds; storks stood fishing in the vistas of shallower water that opened up between the islands, and hawks, swans, and marsh birds of all sorts filled the air with glinting wings and singing, petulant cries.

With thy red ochre roofs,vine trellised o'er; The gardens fair laid forth in blooming luxury, The fields in glinting beads of dew stretched endlessly, Beneath the sun's fresh kiss a gilded floor!

13 collocations for  glints