2443 collocations for go

'It's so very hotam I going your way?

There are two little couples going the rounds just now.

Just before supper, which was served at little round tables in a room opening out of the rotonde, the late King of Denmark, then Crown Prince, brother of the Princess of Wales, told me he would like to go up-stairs and see all the rooms; he had always heard that the Palais d'Orsay was a beautiful house.

When he had gone a safe distance an intense curiosity made him halt and turn.

You must not go another step today.

You must be ready to evade Rosa's infinite questioning with innocent plausibilities, for you must bear in mind that, however much she may love you, she, like you, loves her cause, her peoplemore, in fact, for you have seen that these passionate Southerners have made a religion of the war, and, like all enthusiasts, they will go any lengths, deny all ties; glory, faith, in personal sacrifices and heart-wrenchings, to make the South triumph.

With my pencil I made a rough sketch of the cone and pine tree which I wanted to obtain, and drew his attention to it, when he instantly pointed with his hand to the hills fifteen or twenty miles distant towards the south; and when I expressed my intention of going thither, cheerfully set out to accompany me.

If only you willwhy, I'm game to go out West, Charley, on a ranch, where you can find your feet and learn to stand on them.

" Next morning they shook off their lethargy and went seal-hunting.

PUNCHINELLO would much rather discover the good in a thing at any time, than go a-fishing on Sundays.

In the best of times there are such wanderers; and, in spite of the generous provision made for the relief of the poor, there must be, in a time like the present, a great number who let go their hold of home (if they have any), and drift away in search of better fortune, and, sometimes, into irregular courses of life, never to settle more.

I came to tell you, Madam, my Master's just taking Mule to go his Journey to Night, and that Don Cinthio is in the Street, for a lucky moment to enter in.

The Boy had gone a few paces towards her, and then turned.

One Sunday, when I was some ten or eleven years old, when the old people were gone to meeting (and they had to go eight miles to find a meeting house), I, with an older brother, tired of lying around the house, concluded to take a stroll along up the brook.

They went indoors.

There she went on board the ship, the "S. S. Ethiopia."

Being anxious to return to the Missouri river, I joined with two others, named Scott and Charley, who were also desirous of going East on a visit, bought three ponies and a pack-mule, and we started out together.

It was very difficult to get out of Berlin into the open country without going through a long stretch of suburbs and sandy roads which were not very tempting.

But now quick!where lodgeth Sir Gui?" "Within the keepthere is a stair doth mount within the thickness of the wallnay, I will be thy guide if go indeed thou must" "Not so, good friar, be it thy duty to lead these prisoners to freedom and to safety within Bourne.

Scar. feels the Point of it, and shrinks back, letting go his Hand.

" "If your heart were sad, would you go any place?" asked Ekpo.

Mugford, and one or two others whose prudence exceeded their valour, made a point of sitting down before they had gone many yards, preferring to take the fall in a milder form than it would have assumed at a later period in the journey.

From annoyance, followed by excessive irritation, Pennington went into almost blind rageand the man who does that, anywhere in life, must always pay for it.

But she knew that he had not gone a great deal further.

We say 'anchor,' or 'let go the anchor,' or 'dropped the anchor,' or some such reasonable expression, and not 'cast anchor,' as if a bit of iron, weighing two or three tons, is to be jerked about like a stone big enough to kill a bird with.

2443 collocations for  go