66 collocations for grandest

Les grands cimetieres sous la lune.

Les grands cimetieres sous la lune.

Trois grands vivants, Cervantes, Tolstoi, Baudelaire.

Lea grands voiliers.

ARAGO, l'un des plus grands savants du XIXe siècle (1786-1853).

She betrayed no surprise on seeing so grand a gentleman, but told his honour, before he could speak, that the lawyer was not at home.

Les grands nevropathes.

" That of Mahomet for the following: "Exterminez, grands dieux, de la terre ou nous sommes "Quiconque avec plaisir repand le sang des hommes.

And I must explain why I do so grand a thing as to call myself "Lord Dolphin.

" That of Mahomet for the following: "Exterminez, grands dieux, de la terre ou nous sommes "Quiconque avec plaisir repand le sang des hommes.

Les grands magasins.

J'en parlai à mon hôte Laurent, qui me dit qu'il ne l'oseroit, parce que, si la chose étoit sue, il courroit les plus grands dangers.

Les grands savants francais; lectures scientifiques.

SEE Les grands garçons.

MÉDIOCRE, qui est entre le grand et le petit, le bon et le mauvais.

Alors, levant la tête, Se dressant tout debout sur ses grands étriers, Tirant sa large épée aux éclairs meurtriers, Avec un âpre accent plein de sourdes huées, Pâle, effrayant, pareil à l'aigle des nuées, Terrassant du regard son camp épouvanté, L'invincible empereur s'écria: Lâcheté!

On se jette dans de grands excès.

The view improved with nearly every step, growing magnificently vast; and when at length we reached the summit, or rather a mound a few feet lower, but equally good as a point of sight (for the summit was covered with snow), we gazed on as grand an expanse of mountains and tree-clothed valleys as imagination could picture in the most lofty of its lofty flights.

Et Dieu le regardait de son regard tranquille; Une aube étrange erra sur cette forme vile; L'affreux ventre devint un globe lumineux; Et les pattes, changeant en sphères d'or leurs noeuds, S'allongèrent dans l'ombre en grands rayons de flamme.

Combien d'heures nous avons passés ensemble, causant, toujours causant, dans votre belle maison de Fontainebleau, si française avec sa terrasse en pierre et son jardin avec ses gazons maigres et ses allées sablonneuses qui serpentent parmi les grands arbres forestiers.

The first woman was heaven-born: vast was the heart whence gushed the well-spring of the blood of nations; and grand the undegenerate head where rested the consort-crown of creation.'...

Amoureux et grands Hommes.

me rendirent de grands honneurs.

And in the morning he began to make saucepans, and he was making them there, and the shopkeeper that owned the house was mad at him to be doing that, and making saucepans in so grand a house, and he wanted to get him out of it, and he gave him a good sum of money to go out.

"Though there were no God," he says, "we should still be bound to love justice, that is to say, make every effort to be like that Being of whom we have so grand an idea, and who, if He existed, would of necessity be just." Holy Scripture, before Montesquieu, had affirmed more simply and more powerfully the unchangeable idea of justice in every soul of man.

66 collocations for  grandest