6 collocations for grass

It is letting out his land to grass farmers a man owning acres does be making his profit.

paissent les grands boeufs Et les grasses genisses.

Since no lake can be at the highest point, it is possible to find plant life higher than the water borders; grasses perhaps the highest, gilias, royal blue trusses of polymonium, rosy plats of Sierra primroses.

Everywhere berries have taken the place of buds, and bearded grasses the place of flowers.

The Pittington, Durham, Twelve Men, a sort of parish executive and administrative body, enact in 1584 "that everie iiij pounde rent within this parrishe, as well of hamlets as townshippes, shall gras winter and somer one shepe for the behoufe of this church;"[220] and we are told that these "Church Shepe," as they were called, were here one of the chief means of raising funds for parochial purposes.

The Pittington, Durham, Twelve Men, a sort of parish executive and administrative body, enact in 1584 "that everie iiij pounde rent within this parrishe, as well of hamlets as townshippes, shall gras winter and somer one shepe for the behoufe of this church;"[220] and we are told that these "Church Shepe," as they were called, were here one of the chief means of raising funds for parochial purposes.

6 collocations for  grass