125 collocations for grieves

Very good; did that grieve your heart?

So, betake thee to thy rest, nor grieve thee for my sorrows past and donemayhap they shall be things to smile upon one day.

While, on the other hand; all rudeness, all ill- temper, all selfishness, all greediness are just so many sins against the grace of Christ, which grieve the Spirit of God, at the same time that they grieve our neighbours for whom Christ died, and cut us off, as long as we give way to them, from the communion of saints.

I do confess, Were these good deeds done in sincerity Pity of mine, thine or this knight's distress, Without vain bragsit were true charity: But to relieve our fainting bodies' wants, And grieve our souls with quips and bitter 'braids, Is good turns overturn'd: no thanks we owe To any whatsoever helps us so.

O, deep was the anguish of the slave mother's heart, When called from her darling for ever to part; So grieved that lone mother, that heart broken mother, In sorrow and woe.

Tears bring a strange new sight to the eyes, and "a new perception both of grieving love" made Theophil see, and love to see, many things in the world he had never noticed before.

Another wrong stone is, I think, your view of the nature of the sin and error which is supposed to grieve God.

This so grieved the father that he died; yet, in spite of his mother's tears and prayers, Aladdin did not mend his ways.

I never grieved ne noyed man that would serve Nebuchadnezzar.

And wrath tossed suddenly up once more his hand; And a deep groan grieved all his strength in him.

Nothing in the whole course of the Passion grieved Jesus so deeply as the treason of Judas.

Never, said Arthur, had he known such fear; neither had met so perilous a giant, save only that Riton, who had grieved so many fair kings.

Was the doctor the only man in the world who had the courage to fight her battles for this fading, grieving woman who had been the lovely Mary Setoun; whom John remembered so careless, so laughing, so innocently gay?

Also in the same country was a young man that was lame, dumb, and deaf, and by the prayers of St. Austin he was made whole, and then soon after he was dissolute and wanton, and noyed and grieved the people with jangling and talking in the church.

Slow comes the verse that real woe inspires: Grief unaffected suits but ill with art, Or flowing numbers with a bleeding heart.

anxious look she grieves the livelong day."

Mr. Truelocke ate but little, which grieved my aunt; and he would drink nothing but spring water.

Did you cry and grieve over me, dear little tender thing?

Let me tell any such who may be present that they are grieving their Saviour by refusing to give Him this testimony of their love and devotion.

"Master," quoth he, "O master, grieve not thyself, thou shalt be hale and strong anon, but the time is not yet.

"But I grieve much, dear child, that I can be with you no longer.

"Every perturbation is a misery, but grief a cruel torment," a domineering passion: as in old Rome, when the Dictator was created, all inferior magistracies ceased; when grief appears, all other passions vanish.

We, not willing that Strangers that come into our Realm be in such Manner grieved, establish that when the Letters or the oath be taken their Goods shall be delivered to them without delay and the bailiffs meddle no more of the same Goods upon Pain of Imprisonment and pay the Party grieved quatreple Damages."

And so it forethinketh me a little, for I have loved them as well as my life, wherefore it shall grieve me right sore the departition of this fellowship.

The Duke of Argyie came to Jeannie's cousin's, where she was staying, in a few days to say that a pardon had been dispatched to Effie Deans, on condition of her banishing herself forth of Scotland for fourteen yearsa qualification which greatly grieved the affectionate disposition of her sister.

125 collocations for  grieves