13 collocations for grilled

But he liked the honesty that would not pretend to anything it did not feel, and he liked even better the spirit that had kept the lad true to his pledge of honest work without a squirm or grumble through all these weeks of grilling summer weather when sustained effort of any sort, particularly mental effort, was undoubtedly a weariness and abomination to flesh and soul, to his restless, volatile, ease-addicted, liberty loving young ward.

At Lavender Sweep, with the horse-chestnut blossoms strewing the drive and making it look like a tessellated pavement, all of us were always welcome, and Tom Taylor would often come to our house and ask mother to grill him a bone!

"Sahib no laike!" "Very well, that will doa poached egg for me and grilled chicken for the sahib.

There's grilled chickenMaryland chickencoming, and green corn.

A ce cri, qu'apportait de toutes parts le vent, Les tonnerres jetaient des grondements étranges, Des flamboiements passaient sur les faces des anges, Les grilles de l'enfer s'empourpraient, le courroux En faisait remuer d'eux-mêmes les verrous, Et l'on voyait sortir de l'abîme insondable Une sinistre main qui s'ouvrait formidable; 'Justice!'

At a great fire in the centre women were grilling deer's flesh, while little brown children strove and quarrelled for scraps, I saw few men, for the braves were out hunting or keeping watch at the approaches.

He's grilling the life out of half a dozen men in the chamber, where he found the dynamite on top of the powder instead of under it.

This was the origin of sauces, all, or almost all, of which were highly spiced, and were generally used with boiled, roast, or grilled meats.

We can find out who the woman was who called to see Vantine to-nightthat is just a case of grilling Rogers; then we can run her down and get her secret out of her.

Within the short two years since he finished grilling Judge Sands's soul, he has put himself in better form to appreciate his reward.

The smell of grilling teriyaki drifted across the grass.

I'll tell the cook to grill a hot bit for ye."

"A pigeon house is made like a great dome, with arched roof, a narrow entrance, and grilled windows or with wider lattices on all sides so that the interior may be well lighted and yet no snake or other such pest may have access.

13 collocations for  grilled