166 collocations for grin

and he grinned a little maliciously.

I never heard Johnson say anything severe of him, though when he mentioned his name, he generally "grinned horribly a ghastly smile,"'

" "Hear that, Swing?" grinned Racey, and twiddled his bare toes delightedly.

" "Well, there certainly is an odor about the East," grinned Jack.

He grinned at mea slow, diabolical grin.

"I reckon so, son," grinned the red-faced man, in response to this elegant speech; "now, then, are you going to give up that chair or not?" "I was just leaving it when you came out," rejoined Roy, who, by this time, was fairly boiling over.

" "Wait a minute," grinned Jim Silent, "an' watch me have some fun with these short-horns.

"Nothing but our clothes," grinned Dan, "and some hair.

The lantern showed the tawny, grinning face of a servant, as they passed into a small garden, of dwarf orange trees pent in by a lofty, whitewashed wall.

What are you plannin' to do?" "You'll learn by watchin'," grinned Buck, taking the reins of his horse.

" "Great sport, all right," grinned Barney.

And looking round, he suddenly saw a little ugly black figure with bleared eyes and grinning teeth.

"Yes," grinned Bruce, suddenly awaking from these wild speculations, "and maybe he's just some sort of bloomin' sport coming up here to take moving pictures of caribou herds, or to shoot white whale in Hudson Bay!

" "Some people wouldn't look at it that way, Doctor Holiday," grinned the captain.

With muttering jaws The wondering circle grinned applause.

" "You can't have a chicken pie," grinned Jimmie, "unless some one kills a chicken!

and gave Cartwright's favorite yell as a solo, while Marty and Joe grinned approval and some students passing in the street answered it with the "skyrocket.

"We're snowed in," grinned Wabi.

At every step the unburied skulls of brave soldiers who had died in the cause of freedom, grinned their welcome to the conquerors.

How the Negroes grinned delight and surprise at the vagaries of English ladsa species of animal altogether new to them.

"He means he aviated upward," grinned Jerry.

" "Come along with me, my lad," said the grinning Mr. Prowle, tapping him on the shoulder.

"Yus, and we've got a nice little deserted farm house all picked out, where we can keep the young rooster on ice," grinned Joey.

" "Sure," grinned Nash, "it keeps it in the family, eh?"

" "The Doctor can have all the arms and legs he wants," grinned Hans, who came out of the doorway just in time to hear Sölling's last word.

166 collocations for  grin