10 collocations for handsome

] I put my handkerchief to my eyes and said: "Well, when the shock came, pa was all right, as handsome a man as you would often see.

But after all, every good woman has a tremendous desire to make men happy, and handsome Jim Perris with his straight, steady eyes and his free laughter was such a pleasant fellow to work with that Marianne quite forgot moderation.

If Clive had not been as fine and handsome a young lad as any in that school or country, no doubt his fond father would have been just as well pleased and endowed him with a hundred fanciful graces; but, in truth, in looks and manners he was everything which his parent could desire.

"He's a broker," said Undine, glad to be able to place her friend's husband in so handsome a light.

"As handsome a lot of eggs as I ever see," commented Rhoda, as she took them in.

So handsome a person, however, might easily dispense with such ornaments.

No doubt she has not such a good position as Madame Bourdieu, who has so handsome a place in the Rue de Miromesnil, but she is less expensive, and so very kind and obliging.

The report of what happened in his house being soon spread thro' the country, there were not wanting several who came to offer their service to the children, out of which he selected two of whom he heard the best character, and were most likely to be faithful to the trust reposed in them, giving as great a charge, and as handsome an allowance with them, as could have been expected from a father.

After a quick glance of pride and pleasure which no father could have denied so manly and handsome a son, he eyed the young man with a look that bit into every one of his fashionable details.

She was Parson Smith's daughter, at Weymouth, and as handsome a girl as ever I wanted to see,just as graceful as a sweet-brier bush.

10 collocations for  handsome