39 collocations for heerd

I never heerd sich a tale i' my life.

Caught in the shower of lead and flint We felt the old stage stagger and plunge; Then we heerd the voice and the whip of Ben, As he gethered his critters up again, And tore away with a lunge.

I've heerd some talk about a friend of that gentleman's comin' to take his place.

Half an hour later he came in, informing me that "he'd heerd a coyote bark four or five times rather suspiciously nigh camp, and had been out to reconnoitre, thinkin' p'raps it was an Injun signal; but, havin' seen more or less of the critters prowlin' about, he rekconed it was all right.

The basses they 'd be rollin' on, with faces swelled and red, And racin' the supraners, who was p'r'aps a bar ahead; While Nate beat time with both his hands and worked like drivin' plow, With drops o' sweat a-standin' out upon his face and brow; And all the congregation felt that Heav'n was shorely nigher Whene'er they heerd the chorus sung with Nathan leadin' choir.

After I'd got real miserable, I heerd a soft step comin' up stairs, and Major come in and looked at me and then out of the winder.

One night,'t wuz jest a year from the night I'd walked 'ith him in thet lane,I wuz stan'in' by the door, an' all ter once I heerd a noise an' crash ez ef all the thunderbolts in the Almighty's hand hed fallen together, an' I run deown the lane an' met the men bringin' up sunthin' on an old door.

I heerd a girl bid off for $800.

Did you understand the matter in dispute between the two Italians, brave Etooelle?" "I heerd their Eye-talian jabber," answered Ithuel; "but supposed it was all about saints' days and eating fish.

"After I stopped laughin', and was a-gittin' down towards the water, I heerd a kind of noise from the other side of the creek, and looked up; and, the first thing I see, settin' on the edge on t'other side, was a boy about twelve years old, tryin' ter call to me.

I heerd plenty bout the Ku Klux.

We was buyin' some cotton to a store in the city, and I was lookin' about at all the pretty things, and wonderin' why I was picked out to be poor when so many folks was rich and had all they wanted, when presently I heerd a lady in a silk gown say to another one, so low she thought I didn't hear her,"There are two nice-looking girls, Mrs. Carr.

and if ever you heerd a dumb creature laugh, he barked a real laugh, and come springin' along over towards me.

I've bin more in the woods than in the clearin' in my day, but I niver heerd the likes o' that.

But he was a dreadful uneven creetur in his talk, and I've heerd a smart young man that's one of my boarders say, he believed he had a lid to the top of his head, and took his brains out and left 'em up-stairs sometimes when he come down in the mornin'.

seems as though I heerd my old mother a-singin' Mear now!" I saw Jackson was getting excited, so I gave him a little soothing draught and walked away to give the nurse some orders.

seems as though I heerd my old mother a-singin' Mear now!" I saw Jackson was getting excited, so I gave him a little soothing draught and walked away to give the nurse some orders.

Never heerd his namenever so much as knowed he were born.

One night,'t wuz jest a year from the night I'd walked 'ith him in thet lane,I wuz stan'in' by the door, an' all ter once I heerd a noise an' crash ez ef all the thunderbolts in the Almighty's hand hed fallen together, an' I run deown the lane an' met the men bringin' up sunthin' on an old door.

"I heerd the little ones and some of the old ones tellin' what they was goin' to give Mary Pynchon when she got married; and it set me to thinkin' what I could give her, for I knew if anybody ought to give her anything, it was me.

"Well, 't was all jist over, an' the kissin' about to begin, when I heerd the house-door bu'st open, suddent.

"Reckon you never heerd the quarter of what's come to attend Anderson's meetin'.

Before I could get my eyes off on't, or stir to run, I see it was comin' as fast as a locomotive; I heerd a great roar and rush,first a hot wind, and then a cold one, and then a crash,an' 'twas all as dark as death all round, and the roar appeared to be a-passin' off.

"Them there Zett'lins," said one old woman, "I almost shruk as I heerd the mucky varmints a-shovellin' on the coalsdare, dare!

I never heerd sich a tale i' my life.

39 collocations for  heerd