106 collocations for hev

"It's my idee that they want to hev one good time in town before they cash in their checks.

We'll hev ter trouble you for it, miss.

Mary the cook had been doing this, but now Mrs. Clark sat down beside Nora to "hev a little talk" and keep the needles supplied with thread.

Satan don't hev no chance where Jesus is.

She don't sleep in her own bed any more because I hev ter hev her handy ter rub me when the rheumatiz gits ter jumpin'.

ye kin take the book to yer uncle, with my compliments; an' I won't hev t' go back.

"Perfessor!" said Dan, "I want you to hev a look at me.

I fellowshipped it right off, and I said, says I, 'Orrin, ef you'll let me hev that 'ere little spotted feller, I'll git a place for him, for I do take to him consarnedly.'

I war jes warned in de dream en didn't hev sense nuff ter know hit.

"People don bother bout de moon much now but if dey would lissen ter de ole niters dey would always hev good crops.

"When I hev dree zixpences under my thumb, Oh, then I be welcome wherever I qeum; But when I hev none, oh, then I pass by, 'Tis poverty pearts good company.

"Now, I don' s'pose that sounds very well; but still, you know how she isshe allus likes to hev folks to talk, and then she's allus sayin' talkin' wears on her; but I ought not to say that to you, because she allus likes to see youthat is, as much as she likes to see anybodyin fact, I think, on the whole" "Well, I'll take my chances," said Eph, laughing, and he opened the gate and went in.

I shall hev to tewtor that boy; he's got to hev the rod, I guess!" I bade Mrs. Tucker good night, for Kate was already out of the door,

" "I wish you would," said Jerry; "and, judge, ef they've lost any, and will let me hev twenty men, I'll fetch every one o' the critters back afore ter-morrow night at this time, or you may call old Jerry a liar, and that's what no man ever done yet, that's sartin.

"Courtin' ought to hev some decent clothes," he said.

"Ef she'd up an' slapped me in the face, I shouldn't hev ben more throwed aback, fer I never mistrusted she cared two chips for me.

I wouldn't hev a rascal's money ef I should win it!

Ther ain't a ravine, gully, rock, bush, or tree, a foot high, thet he don't hev his eye on.

"Well, you know, Dear Mr. PUNCHINELLOW, this is how CHARLEY DANY and me cum to hev our fallin' out.

"You'll think me humorsome, boy, but I hev an odd fancy.

Jes' so with poets: wut they've airly read Gits kind o' worked into their heart an' head, So's 't they can't seem to write but jest on sheers With furrin countries or played-out ideers, Nor hev a feelin', ef it

But he'll be droppin' along, an' then we'll hev a fight.

'Long in March, aunt, she ketched cold, took tew her bed, got wuss, an' told me tew hurry up, fer nary cent should I hev, ef I warn't safely merried 'fore she stepped out.

Accordin' to my idee, gamblin's about the wust racket a feller kin work, but it takes all sorts of men to make a world, an' ef the boys is bound to hev a game, I calkilate they'd like to patronize his bank.

" "We uster tap maple trees en hev big gathering foh ter make maple sugar dat war while I lived at Gracey.

106 collocations for  hev