8 collocations for hog

The same thing is true in business or in anything else where many people work together; a really capable man often fails because he hogs the center of the stage and wants to be the whole show.

"As usual, this Twain fellow takes over and hogs the conversation.

Why, if it was me, do you s'pose I'd leave another manno matter how old and safe he wasto tell such a story as that his own way and hog all the credit for himself?

I don't consider hogs a first-class crop; Give me my own free choice, sir, and I'd swap The best of 'em for strawberries or sheep But let me say again, you must plough deep; The trouble with our farmers is, that they Can't be induced to look beyond to-day; Let them get sub-soil ploughs and turn up sand And hang it, sir!

The drowning hogs the headlines in the mainstream newspapers and tabloids.

I ain't the kind to hog more land 'n what I can usenot mentionin' no names; but I calc'late on havin' what I need, if I can get it honest.

You'd hog all the medicine?

When I get a critter that hogs my good oats and then won't show them in his gait, I get rid of him.

8 collocations for  hog