24 collocations for homines

many men many minds; quot homines tot sententiae [Lat.]

conversiones suas jam saeculis innumerabilibus constantissime conficiunt; verum homines magnis angustiis.

Et ait ad Simonem Jesus, Noli timere, ex hoc jam homines eris capiens.

morderet quod inhoneste versaretur, respondet, nos cum optimis viris consuetudinem habemus; vos Romanas autem occulte passim homines constuprant.

Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt.

Si omnes homines sua mala suasque curas in unum cumulum conferrent, aequis divisuri portionibus, &c. 3580.

These are vain, absurd and ridiculous wishes not to be hoped: all must be as it is, Bocchalinus may cite commonwealths to come before Apollo, and seek to reform the world itself by commissioners, but there is no remedy, it may not be redressed, desinent homines tum demum stultescere quando esse desinent, so long as they can wag their beards, they will play the knaves and fools.

Let me not fall therefore (saith David, when wars, plague, famine were offered) into the hands of men, merciless and wicked men: "Vix sunt homines hoc nomine digni, Quamque lupi, saevae plus feritatis habent.

Varie homines affecti, alii dei judicium ad tam pii exilium, alii ad naturam referebant, nec ab indignatione dei, sed humanis causis, &c. 12.

Ab nomine plus distant quam homo ab ignobilissimo verne, et tamen quidam ex his ab hominibus superantur ut homines a feris, &c. 1145.

Conflict and insecurity prevail in the state of nature as a result of the sensuous desires and emotions (homines ex natura hostes); and they can be done away with only through the establishment of a society, which by punitive laws compels everyone to do, and leave undone, that which the general welfare demands.

7. de admirando amoris affectu dicturus; ingens patet campus ei philosophicus, quo saepe homines ducuntur ad insaniam, libeat modo vagari, &c. Quae non ornent modo, sed fragrantia et succulentia jucunda plenius alant, &c. 4428.

Horrenda res est, vix duo verba sine mendacio proferuntur: et quamvis solenniter homines ad veritatem dicendum invitentur, pejerare tamen non dubitant, ut ex decem testibus vix unus verum dicat.

Cumque homines a remotis tempus obseruauerint, emittunt pellum equæ vt videat matrem, cuius aspectu iam diu stetit priuatus, ad cuius hinnitum protinus equa reuertitur onusta de auro.

Si omnes homines sua mala suasque curas in unum cumulum conferrent, aequis divisuri portionibus, &c. 3580.

" Mezentius would not live after his son: "Nunc vivo, nec adhuc homines lucemque relinquo, Sed linquam" And Pompey's wife cried out at the news of her husband's death, "Turpe mori post te solo non posse dolore, Violenta luctu et nescia tolerandi," as [3870]Tacitus of Agrippina, not able to moderate her passions.

Arridere homines ut saeviant, blandiri ut fallant.

Sciatis fratres nos mandatum habere a Kadi et Melich interficere vos, quod tamen faciemus inuiti, quia vos estis boni homines et sancti, sed non audemus aliter facere; quia si iussa sua non perficeremus, et nos cum liberis nostris et vxoribus moreremur.

Ambo hæc regna, et regis eorum, sunt de fide Christiana, et homines ita deuoti vt ad minus semel in hebdomada communicent sacramentis, iuxta ritum Græcorum confectis.

"Quot homines tot sententiæ": each one externalizes in his outward circumstances precisely his idea of the Universal Mind; and the man who realizes that by the natural law of mind he can bring the Universal Mind into perfectly reciprocal action with its own, will on the one hand make it a source of infinite instruction, and on the other a source of infinite power.

divina majestas homines ad se trahens.

Et multa vilia et abominabilia facit gens illa quæ non scribo, quia non valent, nec homines crederent nisi viderent.

Varie homines affecti, alii dei judicium ad tam pii exilium, alii ad naturam referebant, nec ab indignatione dei, sed humanis causis, &c. 12.

tim., ex hoc jam eris homines vivificans.

24 collocations for  homines