4 collocations for incarcerating

Laws are necessary; but laws which are not necessary are more and worse than unnecessary;they pilfer power from the soul; they intercept the absolute uses of life; they incarcerate men, and make Caspar Hausers of them.

Rigault has incarcerated the Archbishop of Paris, but Dacosta claims the merit of having loosened the first stone in M. Thiers' house.

If the Police Department is so ready to incarcerate a poor musician, why should it hesitate upon the threshold of the rich man's mansion?or the rich woman's, for the matter of that?" This item incensed Pendleton beyond measure; he threw the paper aside and stormed up and down the room.

To incarcerate victims in prisons has brought terrible punishment not only on the prisoners and their families, but indirectly on the state.

4 collocations for  incarcerating