5 collocations for incumber

The shops of the pastry-cooks and confectioners are filled with them, mountains of them incumber the counters, and for days before Christmas crowds of purchasers throng to buy them.

that the righteous should die, While sinners so greatly abound, In the world that's to come we'll know why, The latter incumber the ground.

I shall not incumber this narrative with literal extracts from these proceedings, but give the substance of what I find there, with such illustration as I have been able to glean from other sources.

Avowals absolutely useless in themselves, and which always incumber a passion with several nebulous days.

It has succeeded in creating for him a reputation broad and remarkable, but most unfortunate, because not his own, because not the reputation which should have formed about his name here, as fame will yonder; unfortunate, because, though broad, it is the breadth of an inverted pyramid, which must naturally topple over of itself, and incumber his path with ruins.

5 collocations for  incumber