4 collocations for indeterminate

R629409. Statically indeterminate structures and space frames; revised edition.

Mr. VYNER next spoke:Mr. Chairman, as there can be no stronger objection to any law than ambiguity, or indeterminate latitude of meaning, I think it necessary to propose, that some word of known and limited import, be substituted in the place of seafaring men; an expression which, if I was asked the meaning of it, I should find it difficult to explain. Are seafaring men those only who navigate in the sea?

The wife and mother, for example, with as indeterminate a number of children as the Martyr Rogers, who visits me monthly,what claim would she have upon me, were not her husband forever taking to drink, or the penitentiary, or Spiritualism?

General declamations against vice and sin are indeed excellently useful, as rousing men to consider and look about them: but they do often want effect, because they only raise confused apprehensions of things, and indeterminate propensions to action; which usually, before men thoroughly perceive or resolve what they should practise, do decay and vanish.

4 collocations for  indeterminate