608 collocations for inspire

He seemed the type of the dashing young chief who would inspire confidence in a new independent state.

The purslane, crocus, and periwinkle were thought to inspire love; while the agnus castus and the Saraca Indica (one of the sacred plants of India), a species of the willow, were supposed to drive away all feelings of love.

He assumes different forms, especially monstrous ones, to tempt or frighten the saints, or sends his daughters, or inspires wicked men like Devadatta or the Nirgranthas to do his work.

At length, when it had attained a vast size, and notwithstanding its apparent gentleness, began to inspire terror by its tremendous powers of doing mischief, a piece of raw meat, dripping with blood, fell in its way.

Arthur Cumberland was under his own roof and in presence of one who should have inspired his respect; but he made no effort to hide the fury which these words called up.

Even those who repudiate altogether the extreme Ultramontanism of De Maistre and De Lamennais must allow their conception to be one of the boldest and grandest which has inspired the mind of man.

They are lizards among adders, They inspire no fear, for they bite not. Put a sheepskin before them, they Will tear your arms and hands; Their parched lips are all scaly, Besides being red and spotted.

Besides his physical attraction he inspired a feeling of reliance.

" When it turned out, however, that the event did not answer the expectations excited by Bernard's enthusiastic confidence, but the crusade came to that unfortunate issue which was brought about especially by the treachery of the princes and nobles of the Christian kingdom in Syria, this was a source of great chagrin to Bernard, who had been so active in setting it in motion, and who had inspired such confident hopes by his promises.

The huge, complicated press had already inspired their awe, and they were eager to "see it work" as it printed the new paper.

" The novel disrespect excited by the scandal of Honoria and the picture seemed to have inspired the two hundred people who remained with a cheerful ease.

Did he feel that he was too culpable to have inspired a passion in a young girl whom he would have been a fool, almost a criminal, to marry?

My Lord, I knew not that I was a Lover; I felt no flame, but a religious Ardour, That did inspire my Soul with adoration;

Oghuz Khan delights and inspires my heart and causes me to sing psalms of gladness.

What sentiments do you think you have inspired me with?

Its translation here may inspire fresh thoughts of fervour.

Then the rain began to abate and I sauntered down through the dripping bushes reveling in the universal vigor and freshness that inspired all the life about me.

"Helplessness and innocence, indeed, which would inspire pity in any heart but theirs, seemed to inspire them only with a more fiendish rage.

This prediction has inspired the religious poets of all nations; on this is based the beauty and glory of the lyrical stanzas we sing in our churches.

If it is above their comprehension, there is some gratification, though it is the admiration of ignorance;" and he said those were the most sincere admirers; and quoted Baxter, who made a rule never to preach a sermon without saying something which he knew was beyond the comprehension of his audience, in order to inspire their admiration.'

And in truth Publius Scipio was one, who was himself enthusiastic, and who inspired enthusiasm.

Probably the very zeal of this prince for the heathen deities, to whom he set up statues and multiplied altars, may have inspired the neighboring nations with the desire of converting so powerful a ruler to their respective creeds; and thus his blind impulse toward the Deity, which was unknown to him, received a true direction.

So it was hardly to be expected that Dan would inspire any unusual interest in the members of the Board.

Indeed it was Barrington who inspired that work:a circumstance which must atone for his exterminatory raid on the Temple sparrows.

This measure, which was unexpected to the men, though not to their leaders, had a proportional effect on both armies: it inspired unusual courage into Henry's soldiers; it threw Richard's into dismay and confusion.

608 collocations for  inspire