189 collocations for interview

Hearing of his nephew's extravagances, Major Pendennis interviewed that young man, and was thunderstruck at the extent of his liabilities after receiving Pen's dismal confession of the trouble in which he was involved.

"In the meantime I want you to interview the people in the neighbourhood and ascertain whether they heard any shots.

" Chetwoof meanwhile was interviewing the boy, who came quickly toward them.

The bishop, who came in while the writer was interviewing Mr. Brown, is a splendid type of the pure negro.

I inquired, thinking that it might be to my advantage to interview that gentleman.

Then she went out to interview Thomas, the butcher's boy, who came three times a week with supplies.

What will you do?" "Interview the person who took away the body," Hewitt replied, with a smile.

Mr. Fairburn, whose reputation as an investigator of crime waxes in direct inverted ratio to his capacities, did hit upon the obvious course of interviewing the managers of the larger London and Liverpool agents de change.

Then, again, in the far future perhaps some industrious antiquary will exhume an awful tail of the present generation that was invented by Mrs. H.B. STOWE, when she looked across the Atlantic Ocean, and interviewed the ghost of BYRON.

[Illustration: Member of Committee (interviewing candidate for training for farm work).

Pa stood on one ear on a crushed chair, with his legs over the railing, and when he came to, the newspaper men wanted to interview pa.

" Haines, the ablest political reporter in Washington, had come to the International to interview the new Senator, to describe for his paper what kind of a citizen Langdon was.

He interviewed Detective-Inspector Watson, and was at once confronted with the awful difficulty which would make the recovery of the bank-notes practically hopeless.

He interviewed a large number of people, statesmen, publicists, professors, politicians.

"Look here, we'd better interview the station-master, and have your case wired for to the next stop.

"Yes; Dipper has been interviewing the police on the subject.

Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: Bell Williams, Forrest City, Arkansas Age: 85 "We was owned by Master Rucker.

"I thought you came here to interview the American ambassador.

She would be on the road for weeks at a time, speaking, interviewing working-women, manufacturers or legislators,

" FLOYD CO. (John I. Sturgill) Charlie Richmond: We are unable to interview ex-slaves in Floyd County, so far as anyone we are able to contact knows, there are no living ex-slaves in the County.

I was just interviewing my solicitor.

"However, Mr. Vassall walked round to the hotel and interviewed the hall porter.

" FLOYD CO. (John I. Sturgill) Charlie Richmond: We are unable to interview ex-slaves in Floyd County, so far as anyone we are able to contact knows, there are no living ex-slaves in the County.

In His House in Order (one of his greatest plays) Sir Arthur effects part of his exposition by the simple device of making Hilary Jesson a candidate for Parliament, and bringing on a reporter to interview his private secretary.

Accordingly he commences his first volume by giving the 'Scène de la Fille de Chambre', where Harlequin, disguised as a woman, pretends to be seeking a place as waiting-maid to the DoctorEmperor of the Moon, Act ii, v. In the French, Pierrot, dressed as the Doctor's wife, interviews the applicant.

189 collocations for  interview