5 collocations for jiggling

Yes, yes, that's right: the one who jiggles her fingers.

Ma says she dont kno why we have a pfhone any how becuase every time she is youseing it a woman buts in & jiggles the hook & says will you pleas hang up so I can call a Dr. & when Ma hangs up & then lissens in to see who is sick, wy this woman calls up a lady f rend & they nock Ma back & 4th over the wyre for ours & some times they say I bet she is lisening in on us dont you.

They jiggle the life out of one" but he was obliged to unbend himself perceptibly in order to keep pace with her as she hurried through the door.

" The detective jiggled the receiver impatiently.

He jiggles his trousered shillings.

5 collocations for  jiggling