6 collocations for kape

"The likes of yerself always kapes a clane breast; and the knife that went into yer heart found nothing that ye need have been ashamed of!

I could 'a got into trooble saven times to yore woonce, ef I 'ad'n kaped my 'ead an' respected mysel.

You'd think there was nawbody in this village good enoof to kape coompany wi' Jimmy, the road he goas.

"Cant you keep her quiet?" "Arra, how can I kape her quiet, an she cryin an roarin, dyin an desarted?" "Ask Mrs. Forster to go in and coax her to stop.

Terrence, who claimed to be an experienced hunter, advised him to "kape their intintions sacrit," as too many might want to go, and that would spoil the sport.

But if ye be intendin' to shtay this night, kape the big dhoor open whide, an' watch for the bhlood-dhrip.

6 collocations for  kape