15 collocations for kep

she kep' out er his house an' let him alone.

If you knew the right o' thingshow that Kelly kep' a-devilin' me, how Whaley was layin' to gun me when he got a chanct, how I stood up for the McRae girl an' protected her against him.

And his automobile, when he sot off on it and headed it for the road it backed up and took him down that steep hill back of the barn into the creek, where it kep on ploughin' up dirt and slate stuns till his uncle stopped it by main force and lifted Jabez out from under it drippin' like a water rat.

" [Illustration: THE ROMANCE OF BROTHER JOHN "Poor Brother John kep a trottin' after her"] "'Well, Mr. Domeny,' says she, 'if ye'll go to the expense of a few buckets of whitewash, an' give a lick o' paint to the door here, I think it 'ull do very well.'

Lawsy me, chile, when de Preacher-mans baptiz me he had duck me under de wateh twell I mos dron, de debbil he got such a holt on me an jes wont let go, but de Preacher-mans he kep a duckin me an he

She gave me a little wintry smile but the tears kep a' comin' an' by an' bye she got up and went out, an' ef she don't imitate the Prophet Jeremi an' water her piller with her tears this night, then I've changed my name sence mornin'.

They wasn't quite sober, but I kep' my eye on 'em and they behaved fine.

That yar heat kem out of the bowels of the yearth,kem up like out of a chimbley or a blast, and kep up that yar fire.

Las' year it was the fires that kep' folks out, and this year I guessI guess it jest happened so, that's all!"

I gave Isaac a dram to kep his heart up, and he sung and leuch as if he had been boozing with some of his drucken cronies; for feint a hair cared he about auld kirkyards, or vouts, or dead folk in their winding-sheets, with the wet grass growing over them.

They said he was a hard man wi' some folk; but he kep a good house, and liked to see plenty, and many a time when I was swaimous about my food, he'd clap t' meat on ma plate, and mak' me eat ma fill.

" "I was working once foh Mrs. Shelton wen a little wren kept trying ter git in de house an I kep a shosin hit arway

" [Illustration: THE ROMANCE OF BROTHER JOHN "Poor Brother John kep a trottin' after her"] "'Well, Mr. Domeny,' says she, 'if ye'll go to the expense of a few buckets of whitewash, an' give a lick o' paint to the door here, I think it 'ull do very well.'

She gave me a little wintry smile but the tears kep a' comin' an' by an' bye she got up and went out, an' ef she don't imitate the Prophet Jeremi an' water her piller with her tears this night, then I've changed my name sence mornin'.

De sheriff kep' a steady watch on' em, 'cause he was afeared dey would do somethin' rash.

15 collocations for  kep