5 collocations for leach

Is it not more rational to suppose with Richthofen that these are related as cause and effect, rather than that cold water has leached the ore and the silica from the walls near the surface?

Every handful of loose gravel not wholly water leached affords a plant footing, and even in such unpromising surroundings there is a choice of locations.

Everywhere but in the alluvial districts, however, the land had only a surface fertility, and all the staples, as well as their great auxiliary Indian corn, required the fields to be kept clean and exposed to the weather; and the heavy rainfall of the region was prone to wash off the soil from the hillsides and to leach the fertile ingredients through the sands of the plains.

If a stleam will just flow, neither tlying to climb upward, nor over-flowing its banks, but lunning modestly in its fated channel just wherever it is led, then it will finally leach the seathe mighty oceanand lose itself in fulness.' 'Ah,' said I, 'but that counsel is not new.

If these invading waters were briny the standing crop would be killed and the soil perhaps made useless for several years until fresh water had leached out the salt.

5 collocations for  leach