2128 collocations for lies

" "It's my business to protect that boy, or anybody else, from being unmercifully abused, kicked and cuffed, and I'll whip any man who tries it on," said Wild Bill; "and if you ever again lay a hand on that boylittle Billy thereI'll give you such a pounding that you won't get over it for a month of Sundays."

I ascended the gentle slope to the valley's leveland stumbled over a man lying prostrate, shivering violently, and moaning.

[VOX DILECTI] I heard the voice of Jesus say Come unto Me and rest; Lay down, thou weary one, lay down Thy head upon My breast.

On the floor between the window and an old oak table which had practically hidden it from the doorway, lay the body of a man in evening clothes, one side of his shirt-front stained a dark colour.

A child is afraid of being whipped, and gets his task, and there's an end on't; whereas, by exciting emulation, and comparisons of superiority, you lay the foundation of lasting mischief; you make brothers and sisters hate each other.'

Notwithstanding the scorching heat of an Indian summer,in spite, too, of the fact that a number of the men were obliged to march in heavy garments utterly unsuited to the climate; though death, disease, and a thousand perils lay in front of them,not a man of Havelock's "Ironsides" but was impatient to push onward to death or victory.

How shall the working-man lay hold on the best that life can give?

The country lies a ruined waste.

Moreover, I know Your Majesty's kindness and gentleness of heart, and so I lay my life freely in your gracious hands.

She saw her father lay down his pocket-book, she watched her mother place upon the table her bracelets, necklaces, ear-rings, and rings, while Mons.

The next day Scowl Austin was found lying face down among the cotton-woods above the benches on Skookum, a bullet-wound in his back.

Before him was the hack, covered with mud and dust, and the horses in a position indicating utter exhaustion: to his right lay a huge unsymmetrical stone, while behind him rolled the heaving waters of Cape Cod bay!

A little beyond this street, a few rods only, lay the island of New York in all its original beauty, so that it was but a step from Wall street to the country.

Far beneath lay the red-roofed city, its devious lanes and its many great churches,crumbling relics of ancient ecclesiastical power,distinctly visible.

Nor is one long left in doubt what these solid particles are; for the blowflies, attracted by the odour of the meat, swarm round the vessel, and, urged by a powerful but in this case misleading instinct, lay eggs out of which maggots are immediately hatched, upon the gauze.

Now hereupon Beltane turned to look with yearning eyes towards the gloom of the forest beyond which lay the soft and peaceful valleys of fair Mortain, and she that called herself Fidelis, who had indeed been so faithful in all things, so patient and enduring; and, as his eyes yearned, so yearned the great passionate soul of him, insomuch that he must needs fall a-trembling, whereat Roger the watchful drew a soft pace nearer.

Abe had led him that chase over at the Station, Samuel was convinced, "a-purpose" to punish him for having so soundly berated him when he lay a-bed.

In these instinctive qualities, so awful to untutored minds, lay the secret of the power of Quiroga,and of how many others of the world's most famous names!

A Decauville, or light, line ran out towards Gamli from Shellal to make the supply system easier, and I remember seeing some Indian pioneers lay about three miles of light railway with astonishing rapidity the day after we took Beersheba.

South of Monte Nero, also on the east bank of the river, lies the town of Tolmino, the object of many fierce Italian assaults, but not yet taken.

I don't know why I tell you this; why I lay so much stress on the first weird impression I got of the forecastle.

In the right choice of work lies the fullest use of one's capacities; in the right conditions of work lies the freest play of one's energies; in the right spirit of work lies the way of one's lasting happiness, and the foretaste of eternal joys.

That is, you should steep yourself in the thought and emotion of a piece of writing, and then lay the piece aside until its wording has faded from your memory, when you should reëmbody the substance in language that seems to you natural and fitting.

My schooner lies about six leagues from you, as safely moored as if she lay in a dock.

His Wedding-Nightthere lies his Grief, poor Heart!

2128 collocations for  lies