12 collocations for loaf

"What the devil are you doing, loafing aft here?"

" The curious characters loafing, begging, buying and selling, quite defy description, though the resemblance of many to the ape tribe was conspicuous.

About the outskirts loafed a dozen or so of the less socially eligible of Newbern.

The Delorme found that out, then that his ancestral acres bordered on Long Island Sound, and finally that the Sybarite was loafing its head off.

Well, I'm just loafing, Agraféna Kondrátyevna; you know yourself, my family's large, business is dull.

To me a man like your uncle, Marian's father, or like Marmaduke or Douglas, loafing idly round spending money that has been made by the sweat of men like myself, are little better than thieves.

There were no reading-rooms or loafing places or attractive surroundings, and they were not permitted to remain at the bar after they had been served with one drink.

Out of the way you loafing long-shores!" shouts the Lieutenant.

Some ill-dressed, loafing stragglers on the wharf drew near Sylvia with an indolent curiosity.

If not, permit me to inform you that this group of letters and numerals represented a mud-flat pocked with ancient shell-craters, through which loafed an unwholesome stream under a bilious-looking sky.

"I loafed around a little town, wearin' the counters shiny, entertainin' myself every minute by wonderin' what in thunder I'd do with the next one, till Fate, that's always seemed ready and eager to butt into my affairs, sent me down to the railroad station one morning.

He loafed along the pleasant Irish ways, missed his ship, and presently turned up cheerfully amongst his relatives, minus all his money, and riding a sorry nag called Fiddleback, for which he had traded his own on the way.[203]

12 collocations for  loaf