7 collocations for lofty

In short, nothing can exceed the fine contrast of the bold and broad buildings in the fore-ground with the work of the middle, and the minuteness of the back-ground: Now to the sister hills that skirt her plain, To lofty Harrow now, and now to where Majestic Windsor lifts his princely brow, In lovely contrast to this glorious view, Calmly magnificent. Heavens!

How noble their disdain and lofty their independence when Talleyrand sought from them a bribe of millions to secure his influence with the First Consul!

His greatness is seen in the profound devotion of his followers to him, however lofty their merits or exalted their rank.

He entered upon his second premiership with the veneration of the intelligent and liberal-minded patriots of the realm, and great things were expected from so progressive and lofty a minister.

Flower-warmth and fragrance are on her page, the soft low summer wind seems to be speaking with you as you read, her characters are like the stars impersonated, and still, however lofty her nature, always and forever genial.

However lofty the speculations of these philosophers, they were sceptical in their tendency.

To an independent and foreign people this would seem to be assuming, I should suppose, rather too lofty a toneone which the Government would not have assumed if they had considered them in that light.

7 collocations for  lofty