30 collocations for maltreating

They have carried them off under pretence of legal adjudication; but not daring to approach a court of justice, they have plundered and sunk them by the way, or in obscure places where no evidence could arise against them, maltreated the crews, and abandoned them in boats in the open sea, or on desert shores without food or covering."

All of his images they hurled down, beat down, and pulled down, seeming to feel that they were maltreating the man himself, and he thus became a spectator of what he was destined to suffer.

Among some species of birds, courtship and marriage are infinitely more refined and noble than among the lowest savages, and it is especially in their treatment of females, both before and after mating, that not only birds but all animals show an immense superiority over primitive man; for male animals fight only among themselves and never maltreat the females.

Toward the close of October the mob rose in Rome, on occasion of a squabble between a Jew and a Catholic, and threatened to sack the Ghetto and maltreat its inhabitants.

The Arabs, with all their fine talk, are practically on a level with the Samoyedes who, as we saw, ignore or maltreat their wives, "except on an occasional amorous evening"; on a level with the Sioux Indian, of whom Mrs. Eastman remarks that a girl is to him an object of contempt and neglect from her birth to her grave, except during the brief period when he wants her for his wife and may have a doubt of his success.

SUMMARY To sum up: among the lower races man habitually despises and maltreats woman, looking on her as a being made, not for her own sake, but for his comfort and pleasure.

So long as we talk of transporting the blacks to Africa, to St. Domingo, or elsewhere, so long as the peaceable coexistence of the races be not accepted, the barbarous proceedings which dishonor America will not cease, the Northern States will maltreat their free negroes, and the South will cling to slavery as to the only means of preventing a struggle for extermination.

They maltreated the farmer and his wife, and ended by hanging the farmer's son to a rafter and leaving him for dead.

My little queen, not twenty-one, Maltreat the folks, as you've begun, And o'er the border you shall run. . . .

I was riding along alone through one of the mountain passes towards the Caspian when I discovered three wild, fierce-looking Kurds maltreating a girl, believing her to be a Russian.

I can talk, to be sure, with the most incorrect fluency, and I can make myself understoodat all events by Italians, whose quick, sympathetic apprehension of one's meaning, and courteous readiness to assist a foreigner in any linguistic straits, are deserving of grateful recognition from all of us who, however involuntarily, maltreat their beautiful language.

As he had never maltreated the natives, the inhabitants, both men and women, gladly brought him gifts, displaying no fear.

"It will probably be six months before I sit here again, tangling your threads and maltreating your needles, Nan.

At the same time he attributes the success of his own violence in quelling and maltreating his opponents to the providence of God.

Two months I have been thereengaged in this painful servicechecking, as I have best been able to do, the disposition to maltreat this unfortunate people....

The whole of the speakers at this meetingwhich may be taken as a fair sample of the gatheringswere illiterate people, individuals with much zeal and little education; and the manner in which they crucified sentences, and maltreated the general principles of logic and common-sense, was really disheartening.

For "auld lang syne" I'll not maltreat Yon pseudo-Tinker, though the Cheat, Ay sly as thievish Reynard, Instead of mending kettles, prowls To make foul havock of my fowls, And decimate my hen-yard.

He is free from vulgarity, and in general style miles ahead of many preachers in the same body, whose great mission is to maltreat pulpits and turn religion into a rhapsody of words.

" "If he had not interfered when he saw you maltreating his young schoolfellow, I should have been ashamed of him," said the teacher.

HOW INDIANS ADORE SQUAWS Not content with maltreating their squaws, the Indians literally add insult to injury by the low estimation in which they hold them.

There was a gang of young ruffians, street boys, who used to hang around the school gates and maltreat the stragglers and even the boys in the yard, if the gate was left open, and I remember one day three or four of them invading the school-yard after I had dismissed the boys to go upstairs at the end of the intermission, thinking that they would have a fine game with the monitor.

For "auld lang syne" I'll not maltreat Yon pseudo-Tinker, though the Cheat, Ay sly as thievish Reynard, Instead of mending kettles, prowls To make foul havock of my fowls, And decimate my hen-yard.

Let us then unite our forces and try to struggle against those who have maltreated Abenamacheios and driven him from his house, and when these first are killed the others will fear to attack us, or if they do so, it will be with diminished numbers, and in any case it will be more endurable for us."

For "auld lang syne" I'll not maltreat Yon pseudo-Tinker, though the Cheat, Ay sly as thievish Reynard, Instead of mending kettles, prowls To make foul havock of my fowls, And decimate my hen-yard.

these reasons why the all-Merciful Deity will hold man guiltless who enslaves and maltreats poor Africans?

30 collocations for  maltreating