10 collocations for material

The point is, they must be faced, and at a time when there is some evidence of a little awakening, it must more and more force itself into the consciousness of the thoughtful that the dead spiritual conditions of today are due to the shifting of faith from God to material things as the means of achieving.

Now, whatever contempt philosophers may have for a fine perriwig, my friend, who was not to despise the world, but to live in it, knew very well that so material an article of dress upon the head of a man of sense if it became him, could never fail of drawing to him a more partial regard and benevolence than could possibly be hoped for in an ill-made one.

The publication of "Jane Eyre" removed its authoress from almost straitened circumstances and a narrow round of life to material comfort and congenial society.

However material the creation, the spirit which gives beauty to it is of the mind and soul.

Have not material forces and glories been developed and exhibited, whatever the religion and morals of the fallen nations?

In truth, until I came to Blenheim, I never had so positive and material an idea of what Fame really isof what the admiration of his country can do for a successful warrioras I carry away with me and shall always retain.

The inhabitants of this enclosure can, without crossing its limits, procure everything necessary to material life.

She is used to material which puckers and stretches in her clothing; she cannot understand the inflexibility of wood and stone.

By this time, she had gained a position on the weather-quarter of her adversary who had not manifested the smallest desire to prevent her attaining so material an advantage.

Oh, how grand are those monuments which were designed to last through ages, and which are consecrated, not to traffic, not to pleasure, not to material wealth, but to the worship of that Almighty God to whom every human being is personally responsible!

10 collocations for  material