27 collocations for meane

Do you meane Mr. Adson's new ayres, Sir? Cap.

I must accuse you bothe, but punnyshe one, You, Ganelon, I meane: there dothe belonge Unto your fault muche more then banishment.

You meane one wench betweene us two is nothing.

Let those I hated in thy hate still dwell, I meane the Christians.

He does not meane Mistris Dorothy: but, Captaine, I would faine know the reason why your baudes are so fat still.

I meane my haire and face, Boy.

You meane the hangman? Cap.

I meane no villanie heerein to him But love to thee wrought by that charmed cup.

What life, what honour meane you?

Pray ye, tell me, Is there no further newes of those are fledd, I meane those fellow Instruments? 1 Cap.

I meane you two. Io.

(Jhon, y'are a Jack sauce, I meane a sawcye Jacke.)

Before he tooke this huffing trade upon him, To have been a man of peace, I meane a Justice.

Therefore sit downe; and as by vertue of our place we have Authority given, so let us as officers doe, knaves of our function as of others; let us, I say, be unbounded in our Authority, having the Lawes, I meane the Keyes, in our owne hands.

What meane these knights? Pem.

What life, what honour meane you?

I meane my Lord, the opposition of your [Sidenote: Cour.]

Mar. We will: but you are not found So meane a man, but that you may be cover'd As well as we, may you not? Arb.

I meane the matter you meane, my [Sidenote: matter that you reade my] Lord.

I will place, & put in the order or rowe of the first, playes and daunses: I meane such playes as by which man draweth or getteth to hymselfe, his neighboures money.

I will not yeeld thy Workes so meane a Prayse; More pure, more chaste, more sainted then are Playes, Nor with that dull supinenesse to be read, To passe a fire, or laugh an houre in bed.

Yet ere that anie way I doe betake, I meane my gossip privie first to make." 70 "Ah!

I meane sir for this weapon, but in the imputation laide on him, by them in his meed, hee's vnfellowed.]

Continue, I beseech, I meane my sword, sole lye my sword.

I meane, my Head vpon your Lap? Ophe.

27 collocations for  meane