13 collocations for messing

You're nimble enough in words, and then you go and mess things up.

The two mates and boatswain, who also messed aft, bolted without speech, but marvelled between meals.

I'm not sure I haven't messed up the whole business.

The idiot did not reflect that a woman of Madame's taste in dress does not usually mess up her Paris frocks with nasty sea sand.

He yawned a little, and said, rather brusquely: "This rain's messing up the frost pretty well.

The other two went with 'im in case he lost 'imself, and stood there making nasty remarks while he messed 'imself up with a penn'orth of cold cream.

For those who ask you if you "malt," Who "beg your pardon" for the salt, And ape our upper grandees, By wondering folks can touch Port-wine; That, reader's your affair, not mine I never mess with dandies.

But it will mess up your matric next June," said Dunkerley.

What a dull, tire-some world it was that I had to live in, I used to think to myself, when I was told to be a good child, and not to lose my temper, and to be tidy, and not mess my pinafore at dinner.

"With your hands all messed up with resin and all!" "Resin, indeed!" says Isak.

Dey kep' a-tryin' to mess 'roun' wid her an' she wouldn' have nothin' to do wid 'em.

My company messes somewhat helter-skelter in a big tent.

Them ragged pieces of flyin' iron sure mess a man up.

13 collocations for  messing