28 collocations for mislay

I am terribly tired out, andand I'm afraid I've mislaid the key, and" That hurt him; his eyes darkened with the quick pain that came to him from her words.

The feeling of discomfort due to slight indigestion produces a belief that we are about to speak to a large audience and have mislaid our notes, or are walking along the Brighton Parade in a night-shirt.

Chid Ralph for mislaying my Tobacco-Box.

A slow boy can waste a lot of the time of a five-thousand-dollar man whose bell he's answering; and a careless boy can mislay a letter or drop a paper that will ball up the work of the most careful man in the office.

*** Forty thousand children visited the Zoo on Whit-Monday, and one anxious father who had mislaid a couple of infants stayed for a long time in the reptile-house, looking suspiciously at the swollen appearance of the boa constrictor.

[To the WHITE PILE, looking insolently at his docked comb]that you look like a Fool who has mislaid his coxcomb!

He had mislaid his rubber doll, there was nothing to play with, and he was decidedly bored; when his covetous eyes fell upon the golden-haired infant, whose waxen beauty was most tempting.

"I've mislaid my glass too, and shan't be able to read a word.

The naked trees were like pillars in the mist, the grass was grey and whitened to the distance, the world had mislaid its horizon, and one's eye slid up without check between the trees to where the last word of a daylight moon whispered in the sky.

I doubt, however, whether this will become popular, guests showing a tendency to mislay their knives and forks in the foliage.

"Madame du Fargis," resumed the Queen, a short time afterwards, "I have mislaid a lettera petitionbearing the name of the Comtesse de Touraine; I wish it to be found and answered.

"My mother has mislaid the old visiting-list, and the new one only goes down to T: so that the U's, and the V's, and W's will be all left out.

There's a thousand down in the vale, and fifteen hundred upland, and the new place is about nine hundred, and the meadowsI've mislaid the meadowsbut it's near about four thousand.

You may be engaged in a life-and-death struggle for the possession of your own parapet with a Boche bombing-party; but this does not render you immune from a pink slip from the Signal Section, asking you to state your reasons in writing for having mislaid fourteen pairs of "boots, gum, thigh," lately the property of Number Seven Platoon.

As for her hat, she had started by putting it on sideways, and then, since it would not "sit," and she had mislaid her hat-pins, had bound it boldly in place with a grey woollen comforter, and knotted the ends under her chin.

I have mislaid my receipt of cold repression.

"Against that, quite a crowd of idlersgenuinely interested or notobtained admission to view the body, on the pretext of having lost or mislaid a relative or a friend.

But, as within the lists at Camelot Some temporary knight mislays his seat And falls, and, falling, lets his morion loose, And lights upon his head, and all the spot Swells like a pumpkin, and he hides the bulge Beneath his gauntlet lest it cause remark And curious commentso behind his hand Sir GERARD's cheek, that had his tongue inside, Swelled like a pumpkin....

Zenas ain't mislay no pitchfo'kI seed Marse Wes mahse'f wid dat pitchfo'k dis mawnin'.

Next the Bible is Q's Anthology of English Verse, its brave leather cover rather impaired by the fact that for two mornings Boggley, having mislaid his strop, has stropped his razor on it.

And once, when goaded to a desperate stand, I wrung a sirloin from thy grudging hand, Did not thy boy, a cheeky little brute With shifty eyes, mislay the thing en route, Depositing at my address the bones Intended for the dog of Mr. Jones? I sometimes think that never runs so thin The milk as when it leaves the milkman's tin; That every link the sausageman prepares Harbours

Let us write a model letter for the use of season-ticket holders who have mislaid their tickets.

I have not mentioned half the disagreeable trifles that nagged at him during the interval,his audience, for instance, that hovered so close that he could not get up without colliding with one of them, so full of aimless talk that he mislaid tools in his distraction.

Commodus, who at the age of twelve had flung a slave into the furnace because the water was too hot, would have made short work of any one who mislaid Marcia's apparel.

I stood self-convicted, being accused in the middle of my lecture, before all the children, and really at a loss to know what excuse to make, for I had mislaid the whistle, and could not return it to the child.

28 collocations for  mislay