5 collocations for misspent

she was misspending her time; and as for evil passions, she did not enjoy the hop, until she and your neighbour's daughter had pulled each other's hair for the rope, as if they had been two she-dragons.

If the knowledge of Polite Literature has its use, there is certainly a merit in illustrating the Perfect Models of it; and the Learned World will think some years of a man's life not misspent in so elegant an employment.

I presume you had often been to the same place to misspend your evenings.

"That I have not misspent my time in the service of the community.

I will put bibles and other good and proper books into their hands; will allow them time to read and assure myself that they do not misspend this timeIf I can discern any wicked books in their hands, I will take away those pestilential instruments of wickedness.

5 collocations for  misspent