514 collocations for mistaking

with all my soul, Sir; alas, you mistake my honest meaning, I scorn to be so unjust as not to see you a-bed together; and then agree as well as you can, I have done my partIn order to this, Sirget but your self conveyed in a Chest to my house, with a Direction upon't for me; and for the rest Gay.

By Jove, she has mistook her Man, This 'tis to be a Lover now: A Man's never out of one broil or other; But I have more Wit than Aminta this bout.

The enemy, emboldened by the cessation and mistaking its cause, assumed they had the Yanks on the run, advanced to the rail fence separating the woods from the field just as the Second Minnesota was doing the same, and while the rebels got there first, they were also first to get away and make a run to their rear.

" "You quite mistake the object, Miss Eve, which is to stir the people up; a hopeless thing, I fear, so long as they always sit under the same preaching.

Maillet, in his "Description de l'Egypt," tells us of a pigeon despatched from Aleppo to Scanderoon, which, mistaking its way, was absent for three days, and in that time had made an excursion to the island of Ceylon; a circumstance then deduced from finding green cloves in the bird's stomach, and credited at Aleppo.

But I fear you have mistaken the character of our paper," said Patsy quietly.

That he loved her niece she suspected from the first fortnight of their acquaintance, and it had given additional stimulus to her investigation into his character; but to doubt it, after stepping between her and death, would have been to have mistaken human nature.

Affects to mistake the intention of Belford's letter, and thanks him for approving his present scheme.

"My friends," said he "I have seriously considered our manners and our prospects, and find that we have mistaken our own interest.

I know not how you could mistake so holy a face.

Of the ten dialogues translated by Dacier, I can say nothing with accuracy, because I have no knowledge whatever of the French language; but if any judgment may be formed of this work, from a translation of it into English, I will be bold to say that it is by no means literal, and that he very frequently mistakes the sense of the original.

The man had mistaken his directions, and had driven him to JOHN CARVER'S old Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts, instead of JAMES FISK Jr.'s steamboat at Pier 28, North River.

He mistook a loud voice, and a habit of laying down the law, for manly decision, and the gift of leadership; and imagined that in talking down his mother's gentle protests he had convinced her of his superior wisdom.

Roswell Gardiner had not mistaken the persons of those in the boat.

Their blunder arose from their mistaking the word neuvième ninth, for nouvelle or neuve, new.

Does this mean that we are to set ourselves up as judges, and brand as wretches all those who thus mistake the laws of charity and justice?

There was no mistaking her feelings.

Cape Race has received its permanent name, "Raso" and, although only the east coast of Newfoundland is named, there is no possibility of mistaking the easternmost point of Cape Breton.

If I have formerly mistaken the question; I must confess my ignorance so far, as to say I continue still in my mistake.

In Literature we see a few original writers, and a crowd of imitators: men of special aptitudes, and men who mistake their power of repeating with slight variation what others have done, for a power of creating anew.

And yet if we were to attribute the malady merely to excessive individualism, we would again err in mistaking a symptom for a cause.

Although the face lay in the shadow of the high window-sill, there was no mistaking the man's identity.

All these opportunities of damage to the fibre of the people had been freely accepted, and with the result that in the age of Cicero we cannot mistake the signs and symptoms of degeneracy.

You will not mistake my purpose, I am sure, in saying that you know better than we can guess how your people, through no fault of theirs, have been long in bondage to the unskilled hand, the unawakened mind, and the uninspired heart.

You mistake me Lady.

514 collocations for  mistaking