6 collocations for mistresses

Conquest of Flanders Its iniquity Invasion of Holland Easy victories Rise of William of Nassau Prevents the conquest of Holland Peace of Nimeguen Louis in the zenith of power His aggrandizement His palaces His court His mistresses His friendship with Madame de Maintenon Elevation of Maintenon Religious persecution Revocation of the Edict of Nantes Coalition against Louis XIV.

Patience is a virtue absolutely indispensable, as it will frequently take the master or mistress a whole hour to investigate a subject that may appear of little or no importance: such as one child accusing another of stealing a trifle,as a plum, a cherry, a button, or any other thing of little value.

Sometimes we had to bake pies for a week to supply the company that wuz invited to our masters and mistresses house.

than wearing out BBB lead pencils in drawing tumble-down castles, rickety cottages, and dumpling-shaped trees?than acquiring a language which has no literature fit for a girl to read?than mistressing the absurd modern piano music?than taking diplomas from institutes, which most certainly do not express all that young women learn in those venerable seats of learning?

I have prepared potions and powders which Mistress Turner (with whose reputation your ladyship must needs be acquainted) used to vend to her customers.

With their wives and mistresses Henry VIII.

6 collocations for  mistresses